
Using quote as default

MyraBaba opened this issue ยท 1 comments


We are using using library and like it. Thanks for your effort.

How we can quote in csw row ? I mean ๐Ÿ‘

when I wrote row ๐Ÿ‘
time_seen;day_part;location;query;position;domain;landingpage (; seperator)

But I want to see in quotes like :


How I can do this ?

current code :
csvwriter.writeRow(List(line(0), line(1) , line(2) , modquery , line(4),line(5) , line(6),modtitle,modtext,line(9)))


I found the answer :)

`object CheckSmilarity extends App{
implicit object MyFormat extends DefaultCSVFormat {
override val delimiter = ';'
override val quoting: Quoting = QUOTE_ALL
