- 1
Doesn't reading from bytes throw an exception?
#322 opened by waagnermann - 2
Using multiple delimiters
#321 opened by Olgierd-Jankovski - 3
Resource releasing policy
#319 opened by waagnermann - 0
Add Release notes
#318 opened by tOverney - 2
- 1
#313 opened by xuwei-k - 3
Unexpected output with custom format
#141 opened by nuklea - 2
bug: single value is invalidly split into multiple fields on certain unicode characters
#137 opened by neko-kai - 0
Exception on normal CSV format
#106 opened by phungleson - 0
How can i merge multiple CSV files using scala?
#267 opened by InduKrish - 1
Scala Native support
#214 opened by david-bouyssie - 2
#86 opened by chainkite - 0
Parser no longer fails on leading whitespace
#237 opened by Philippus - 1
missing 1.3.10 tag on GitHub
#230 opened by xuwei-k - 1
Change <Stream> based logic to <LazyList>
#208 opened by dtekunov - 2
Ignore malformed line
#211 opened by Zarko-Bojkovski - 2
1.3.8 has not been tagged
#209 opened by tsuyoshizawa - 1
Way to skip the header line when reading?
#154 opened by analytically - 1
How can we read csv file from S3 bucket?
#204 opened by sagar122333 - 1
- 3
scala 3 snapshot?
#174 opened by pjfanning - 1
Reading CSV file from an URL
#116 opened by Nikhdy - 1
- 11
- 2
Buffering question
#131 opened by matanox - 1
Handling CSVs with only CR newlines
#150 opened by lbordowitz - 5
fail to read value with double quotes
#148 opened by xieyuheng - 1
publish for Scala 2.13
#145 opened by xuwei-k - 1
publish release for scala-2.13.0-RC1
#143 opened by pjfanning - 1
- 1
- 2
Add feature to ignore surrounding spaces
#91 opened by dportabella - 1
Make CsvFormat a case class
#126 opened by pathikrit - 0
Add option to disable header
#123 opened by Citrullin - 0
Change the headers to use LinkedHashMap
#124 opened by pathikrit - 0
- 0
An empty row is added to the end of the file
#115 opened by moofatech - 1
- 1
simple.csv does not contain bom
#110 opened by nacika-ins - 2
Unable to parse quoted text
#95 opened by anonanton - 1
- 1
Using quote as default
#88 opened by MyraBaba - 0
- 0
Parser is not configurable in regard to `lineTerminator` despite the types saying so
#97 opened by jedesah - 2
compressed file
#90 opened by lolaclinton - 2
Scala 2.12.0 release
#92 opened by ScalaWilliam - 2
- 0
Unresolved dependencies at 1.3.2
#82 opened by KadekM - 2
CSVWriter is not thread-safe
#78 opened by yonkeltron - 1
Delimiters are parsed inside quotes
#79 opened by edmcman