Ruby like C++ string utilities. Just include stringutils.h to your project to use.
tottakai::split_map calls the given function for all the produced substrings.
tottakai::split_map("Little brown fox", ' ', [] (const std::string& substr) {
std::cout << substr << std::endl;
tottakai::strip removes leading and trailing whitespace
tottakai::strip(" foo ") outputs "foo"
tottakai::lstrip removes leading whitespace
tottakai rstrip removes trailing whitespace
tottakai::partition searcher for separator in the string and returns the part before it, the separator, and the part after it.
tottakai::rpartition searcher for separator in the string from the end of string and returns the part before it, the separator, and the part after it.
tottakai::each_line calls func for every line in str.