
Trigger a pipeline run with Cloud Pub/Sub

  • complete steps in 00-setup-env.ipynb to setup cloud resources, grant IAM permissions, and define naming conventions used throughout this tutorial
  • run 01-pipeline-for-triggering.ipynb to compile and deploy a model training and deployment pipeline
  • follow steps in 02-create-trigger.ipynb to deploy a Cloud Function to trigger your pipeline via PuBSub

Train and deploy pipeline

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  • use Vertex AI Pipelines and KFP 2.x version of Google Cloud Pipeline Components to train and deploy an XGBoost model
  • pipeline steps:
  • Create a BigQuery Dataset resource.
  • Export the dataset.
  • Train an XGBoost Model resource.
  • Create an Endpoint resource.
  • Deploys the Model resource to the Endpoint resource.


Cloud Function for triggering pipeline

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  • Create a Cloud Function that triggers a pipeline using an Event-Driven Cloud Function with a Cloud Pub/Sub trigger
  • The Cloud Function will subscribe to a PubSub topic
  • When this function is invoked, it will scan a BigQuery dataset table and kick-off a pipeline if the number of rows has increased above a threshold since last checking