
Coding Challenge - React Native

TOTVS Labs Coding Challenge - Mobile

Our React-native coding challenge is a simple "Crypto Tracker". Users should be able to add new cryptocurrencies, visualize the current price and the change in price in % for the last 24 hours, and also be able to remove a cryptocurrency from the "Crypto Tracker".

Important: Please make sure you use ReactNative and Redux. 
Check your solution into github with a readme.md file detailing instructions 
on how to get the app up and running..

Suggested design and assets:

You can find bellow a design mockup for the challenge. Feel free to use it or create your own: https://www.figma.com/proto/sVfUI6ThTwAbLlhzbWj52Q/Mobile-Challenge-Nov-2019?node-id=1%3A4&scaling=scale-down

For the assets we recommend the material icons: https://material.io/resources/icons/?style=baseline

Main Features of the app

1) List of cryptocurrencies

Users should be able to visualize the list of cryptocurrencies they current have on the app

2) Current price and percentage change in the last 24h

Users should also be able to visualize:

  • Current price for the cryptocurrencies added
  • Change in percentage in USD in the last 24h

3) API to get pricing and percentage change

Feel free to use the pricing and percentage change provider of your preference. One of the simplest ones that doesn't require registration is Messari. You can find a sample bellow: https://data.messari.io/api/v1/assets/btc/metrics

4) Remove a cryptocurrency

From the list, users should be able to remove a cryptocurrency from the "Crypto Tracker".

5) Pricing and percentage change update

The Crypto Tracker should update the current price and percentage change in USD to the user. Chose your preferred way to update the data.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Understanding of core Javascript concepts
  • Understanding of ReactNative and Redux frameworks
  • Code and component reuse/extensibility
  • Code design
  • Strategy to refresh data
  • Ability to write clear documentation