
Chrome extension for prompting OpenAI's GPT-3.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mitta GPT-3 Chrome Extension

Mitta GPT-3 is a Google Chrome extension which queries OpenAI's GPT-3 API and sends the title of the page for commenting.

The initial release of this is intended to be an example of how to builid an extension that may query GPT-3's API.


Mitta GPT-3 ©2022 by Kord Campbell, MIT License


A developer version of this software is available for download.

  1. Uncompress the archive and move the file to your local drive.

  2. Edit the background script and replace the example token with your OpenAI token.

  3. In Chrome's menus, click on more tools and extensions.

  4. In the extensions view, enable developer mode using the slider at the top right.

  5. Click load unpacked in the top left and then navigate into the uncompressed mitta-gpt3 folder.

  6. Click select folder to load the extension.

  7. Click the extensions icon (puzzle piece) in the top right corner and click the pin icon next to the extension.

Mitta GPT-3 will be available on the Chrome store in the near future. Maybe.


Navigate to a page and then click on the > icon. The page title will be sent to GPT-3 and the console will show the output from the model.

To view the console, go to the extensions icon and manage extensions. Click the service-worker link and then click on console in the debugger.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggstions!

Kord Campbell

