- 1
- 1
Error "No 'swiftinterface' files found within"
#124 opened by jacobras - 5
issue in xcode 16
#121 opened by DidarSeyidov - 2
- 4
Xcode 16 support
#115 opened by ykws - 0
Pagination on iOS
#117 opened by DidarSeyidov - 0
Can't build with `coroutinesInterop` enabled
#118 opened by everlof - 9
Flows in SwiftUI (preview) - Observing will empty the data when select item fromlist view
#101 opened by hanrw - 0
Implement Hashable protocol for data classes
#116 opened by X1nto - 18
Kotlin 2.0.20 incompatibility: NoSuchMethodError: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.CompilerConfigurationKey org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.KonanConfigKeys$Companion.getBITCODE_EMBEDDING_MODE()'
#95 opened by ZacSweers - 1
- 0
Sealed interface with cross-cutting interface generates too many enum constants
#113 opened by edenman - 1
- 0
- 1
Generics in sealed interfaces
#108 opened by shlauzer - 2
"Compilation failed: Shouldn't be exposed: deserialized class BaseReconnectViewModel" when compiling an abstract class
#107 opened by curioustechizen - 3
Cannot import co.touchlab.skie.configuration
#106 opened by haqim007 - 1
- 1
Swift Code Bundling in Sub Modules
#103 opened by ProVir - 1
Kotlin 2.0.10 support
#100 opened by dalewking - 1
SkieWarning.NameCollision as Error
#98 opened by ProVir - 5
- 2
Xcode fails to compile Skie after upgrading to Kotlin 2.0, using DefaultArgumentInterop feature
#88 opened by itstheceo - 9
Flow interop not working since 0.7.0
#90 opened by Tlaster - 1
- 8
- 8
Failure while adding SKIE
#82 opened by abduelrahman - 4
- 21
- 2
- 5
0.8.1 fails after upgrade from 0.8.0
#84 opened by rschattauer - 4
ArtifactNotFoundException: iosx64
#81 opened by thomaskioko - 8
Support for Kotlin 2.0
#78 opened by Elelan - 3
Kotlin cancellation callback not called
#80 opened by frankois944 - 2
iOS app never finishes building with SKIE 0.7.0
#76 opened by jarg-147 - 8
- 6
KotlinxCoroutinesCore/KotlinxCoroutinesCore.SharedFlow.swift:12:38: argument type 'Self' does not conform to expected type 'SharedFlow'
#69 opened by hoc081098 - 3
Unexpected threading behavior
#70 opened by robbiehanson - 4
SKIE 0.6.3 with Gradle configuration cache fails on assembleDebugIosSimulatorFatFrameworkForSharedXCFramework
#71 opened by lyamamot - 5
SKIE doesn't work with Kotlin 1.9.21
#56 opened by RivuChk - 3
Generic Type with List Loses Type Information When Converted to NSArray in Kotlin Multiplatform
#67 opened by sobaya-0141 - 2
Update kaml and logback dependency versions
#52 opened by ilians - 4
Incorrect generation for private set properties
#57 opened by mksmdvdff - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
read concurrency
#59 opened by lso033c - 1
- 2
Typo in the documentation
#58 opened by imjn - 0