
Repo for https://toughengineer.github.io/talks/

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C++ Russia 2024 (JSON in C++: designing a type for working with JSON values)

C++ Online 2024 (flat_map Who needs them? They're just like std::map. We all have them.)

Stachka 2023 (Fun with type erasure: implementing a value wrapper for polymorphic types)

C++ Russia 2023 (flat_map Who needs them? They're just like std::map. We all have them.)

CppCon 2022 (Understanding C++ coroutines by example, part 2: generators)

C++ on Sea 2022 (Understanding C++ coroutines by example, part 1 and part 2: generators)

C++ Russia 2022 (Understanding C++ coroutines by example, part 2: generators)

ACCU 2022 (Fun with type erasure + dispatching data from abstract structure to function parameters in C++)

CPPP 2021 (Constructors and destructors: A few things you might want to know)

C++ Russia 2021 (Fun with type erasure + dispatching data from abstract structure to function parameters)

C++ on Sea 2021 (Fun with type erasure: implementing a value wrapper for polymorphic types)

C++ Siberia 2021 (Making state machines with templates and coroutines)

C++ Russia 2020 Piter (Constructors and destructors: A few things you might want to know)

C++ on Sea 2020 (Serialization in C++ has never been easier! But wait, there's more...)

C++ Russia 2020 Moscow (Understanding C++ coroutines by example)

C++ Siberia 2020 (std::initializer_listepic fail of design)

Meeting C++ 2019 (Asynchronous C++ programming)

C++ Russia 2019 Piter (Insights into the C++ standard library)

C++ Russia 2019 (Asynchronous C++ programming)