
SDP Lab Project - Arc-Eager transition-based dependency parsing with Averaged perceptron and extended features

Primary LanguagePython

Transition-based (Arc Eager) Dependency Parsing

Author: Touhidul Alam


python3 parser.py [train/dev/test] [en/de] file_path_location


python3 parser.py train en /mount/studenten/dependency-parsing/data/english/train/wsj_train.only-projective.conll06 


  • Numpy
  • pickle


  • parser.py

    • State - class initialize initial stack, buffer, arcs, left-dependency and right-dependency
    • Instance - class saves the transition label with its corresponding features
    • Parser - class does oracle parsing during training and predicting and making a parser
  • reader.py

    • Corpus - class to read sentences from dataset and build them into sentence
    • Sentence - holds the datasets content
  • model.py

    • FeatureMapper - takes the unique feature and add it to the feature dictionary. Feature contains baseline feature, and extended features from Nivre (2011)
    • Model - saves the FeatureMapper and weights, implemented with Averaged perceptron

Output File

pred_en.conll06 - English
pred_de.conll06 - German