
Docker Compose project & examples for easily trying various Kafka tools

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A Docker Compose setup with some examples for easily trying out locally various Kafka related services, in order to get hands-on feeling on the tools & APIs.

NOTE that the setup & configuration is not suitable for actual usage.

If you're interested in event-driven architectures & Kafka, I recommend reading Designing Event-Driven Systems (Ben Stepford) (ebook freely available)

Start the environment

docker-compose up -d

Kafka CLI tools

Reference: https://docs.confluent.io/current/installation/cli-reference.html

Some examples of using Kafka command-line tools

# Create a topic
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --create --topic my-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

# List topics
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
# Describe a topic
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --describe --topic my-topic --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

# Produce to a topic
docker-compose exec kafka bash -c "echo 'test message' | kafka-console-producer --request-required-acks 1 --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic my-topic"

# Consume a topic
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning --max-messages 1

Kafka Control Center

Available at http://localhost:9021

REST Proxy examples

Full API at https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka-rest/api.html

Produce messages to a topic

curl -XPOST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" \
     -H "Accept: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"records":[{"value":{"field1":"value1"}},{"value":{"field1":"value2"}},{"value":{"field1":"value3"}}]}' \
     "http://localhost:8082/topics/my-topic-for-rest" | jq "."


# Get topics
curl "http://localhost:8082/topics" | jq "."
# Get info on a topic "my-topic-for-rest":
curl "http://localhost:8082/topics/my-topic-for-rest" | jq "."

Consume messages

REST Proxy works with consumer instances tied to a REST Proxy instance

# Create a consumer instance "my-consumer-instance" under consumer group "my-consumer-group"
curl -XPOST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"name": "my-consumer-instance", "format": "json", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}' \
     http://localhost:8082/consumers/my-consumer-group | jq "."

# Subscribe to topic "my-topic-for-rest" with "my-consumer-instance"
curl -XPOST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"topics":["my-topic-for-rest"]}' \

# Consume messages with the consumer (after the subscription done above)
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" \
     http://localhost:8082/consumers/my-consumer-group/instances/my-consumer-instance/records | jq "."

KSQLDB examples


docker-compose exec ksqldb-cli ksql http://ksqldb-server:8088

Read metadata:


Create a stream (backed by a new Kafka topic myevents)

ksql> CREATE STREAM myEvents (userId VARCHAR, type INTEGER)
  WITH (kafka_topic='myevents', value_format='json', partitions=1);

Run a continuous query in CLI

ksql> SELECT * FROM myEvents 

Write messages to a stream:

ksql> INSERT INTO myEvents (userId, type) VALUES ('user1', 1);
ksql> INSERT INTO myEvents (userId, type) VALUES ('user1', 4);
ksql> INSERT INTO myEvents (userId, type) VALUES ('user2', 2);
ksql> INSERT INTO myEvents (userId, type) VALUES ('user2', 5);

Creating derived streams (transformations)

First, configure ksqldb to consume topic from the beginning:

ksql> SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';

Create a derived stream (stateless filtering, creates also a Kafka topic):

ksql> CREATE STREAM myOddTypeEvents AS
  SELECT userId, type
  FROM myEvents
  WHERE type % 2 = 1

Create a stateful stream

ksql> CREATE TABLE eventCountByType AS
  SELECT type, COUNT(*) AS count
  FROM myEvents
  GROUP BY type

Further KSQLDB links:

Kafka Streams example

kafka-streams-example directory contains a simple Kafka Streams example doing stateless mapping with filtering from a topic to another.

Create topics:

docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --create --topic string-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --create --topic string-length-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

Start Kafka Streams example:

docker-compose run kafka-streams-runner gradle --no-daemon -Pmain=examples.KafkaStreamsExample execute

Write a couple of messages to input topic & verify output topic:

docker-compose exec kafka bash -c "echo 'test message' | kafka-console-producer --request-required-acks 1 --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic string-topic"
docker-compose exec kafka bash -c "echo 'te' | kafka-console-producer --request-required-acks 1 --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic string-topic"
docker-compose exec kafka bash -c "echo 'somewhat longer test message' | kafka-console-producer --request-required-acks 1 --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic string-topic"

docker-compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic string-length-topic --from-beginning --max-messages 10


  • Kafka Connect
  • Some example setup