
Setup instractions to get Craft 3 setup on Vagrant Homestead

Primary LanguagePHP

Craft 3 - Vagrant Homestead

Have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed on your machine.


You can follow the instructions bellow or clone this repo and just run vagrant up.

Take a look at after.sh it will do all the server set up there. If you need to configure php.ini you can add that to after.sh.

  • Before you vagrant up open up Homestead.yaml and replace folders:map to your own user path directory where you are running the vagrant command from.

Setup Vagrant + Homestead

  • Run mkdir craft3 (or whatever you want to call it) in your development directory, then cd craft3
  • Run composer require laravel/homestead --dev
  • Run php vendor/bin/homestead make
  • Open Homestead.yaml,
    • Update sites:map to craft3.dev
    • Update sites:to to /home/vagrant/craft3/craft3/web
    • Update databases: to craft3
  • Run vagrant up (will take some time if you didn't have box installed before)

Setup Server

  • Run vagrant ssh
  • We need to update our box so run sudo apt-get update and after that run sudo apt-get upgrade
  • We need to install mcrypt so run sudo apt-get install mcrypt php7.1-mcrypt
  • We need to update mysql file, run echo -e '[mysqld] sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' | sudo tee --append /etc/mysql/my.cnf > /dev/null
  • Restart your mysql with sudo service mysql restart

Setup Craft 3

Still while in your server (vagrant ssh)

  • Run cd /vagrant
  • Run composer create-project craftcms/craft craft3 -s beta

Now back to your machine (not virtual box) you will need to update host file /etc/hosts add this line craft3.dev and save. Point your browser to http://craft3.dev!

Install Craft 3

  • Inside your cd craft3 folder is another cd craft3 folder. Open .env and update your db configs
    • DB_USER to homestead
    • DB_PASSWORD to secret
    • DB_DATABASE to craft3
  • Now go to http://craft3.dev/admin and go through setup wizard.

If you need to make updates to Homestead.yaml run vagrant reload --provision to update server.