
WD theme

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION



  • Clone WPSeed $ git clone git@github.com:flurinduerst/WPSeed.git into your themes directory.



  • you can use any TLD for local development. WPSeed assumes you're using .vm for "virtual machine". If you want to use a different TLD make sure to change .vm to your preffered TLD in Vagrantfile, gulpfile.js and functions-wpsetup.php.


WPSeed uses npm to manage development-modules aswell as frontend-modules and gulp to compile assets from assets to dist. For details see gulpfile.js.

  • Install gulp globally with npm install -g gulp if you haven't already
  • add your domain/ip to browsersync_proxy in gulpfile.js
  • in the theme directory run npm install
  • you can now use gulp to compile and optimize your asset files and run browsersync. Use gulp watch to let gulp compile your files automatically whenever you've made changes to the associated files.
  • gulp is handling vendor-requirements (external tools/frameworks) by additionally compiling/bundling the files defined in gulp-vendors.json. So, if you add vendors, make sure to add them to gulp-vendors.json.
  • for further information about gulp see gulpjs.com


WPSeed uses modernizr to automatically detect the availability of next-generation web technologies.

  • install the modernizr command line config with npm install -g modernizr
  • create/download your custom modernizr config at modernizr.com and select the command line config download option. Move the downloaded modernizr-config.json into assets/scripts.
  • run modernizr -c assets/scripts/modernizr-config.json -d assets/scripts to generate your modernizr.js. This file will be compiled by gulp.
  • Note: If you don't want to use modernizr you can just ignore/delete the modernizr files in assets/scripts/ Everything will work perfectly fine without them.


  • when deploying your website using a deployment-environment like deploybot or deployHQ run
    • npm install to install the frontend-modules/vendors on the deployment-docker (--no-spin helps to keep the logfile clean)
    • gulp to compile assets
    • Note: the npm_modules folder is not needed on the webserver itself. Vendors from npm_modules are compiled into style.min.css and script.min.js.



  • All important files provide a description/version at the top. Make sure to read it first.
  • Since Version 1.2.0 WPSeed creates cache-busting using gulp-rev. If you're working locally (using the .vm TLD) the non-busted stylesheet (style.min.css) is enqueued, to make sure browsersync runs as expected.

Important Files/Folders

  • functions-access.php (functions that control access to the site)
  • functions-backend.php (backend related functions)
  • functions-dev.php (functions used for development purposes)
  • functions-elements.php (functions to output ACF flexible elements)
  • functions-wpsetup.php (WordPress setup)
  • assets/styles/content.scss (content related styles)
  • assets/styles/general.scss (re-usable classes and settings)
  • assets/styles/bundle.scss (gathers all .scss files for compiling with gulp)
  • assets/styles/nav.scss (navigation)
  • assets/styles/essentials.scss (required SASS functions and all presets for responsive, this file is not meant to be changed)
  • assets/styles/vars.scss (manages scaling, all colors, fonts and other presets)
  • assets/scrips/essentials.js (re-usable essential javascript/jQuery functions/variables)
  • assets/scrips/functions.js (javascript/jQuery)

The Wordpress default templates (like page.php, single.php) receive their content from the associated file inside the template folder. This way all templates are grouped together. index.php is forwarded to page.php.

  • str-footer.php footer content that shows up at the bottom of the page (this is content, don't mix this up with footer.php)
  • str-elements.php template for ACF flexible elements
  • temp-home.php displays default content and a full width teaser image
  • temp-subsites.php displays default content and content of the respective child pages
  • wp-home.php WP blog default
  • wp-page.php WP page default
  • wp-single.php WP post default

All templates are seperate into three categories recognizable by their prefix:

  • wp: wordpress default templates.
  • temp: individual site templates.
  • str: structure files that have to be included in other sites or the main structure.

Responsive/Fluid presets


By default, the layout will scale with the viewport-width as all units are rem based and html uses font-size as the root unit. This scaling can be configured at the SIZE/SCALING section in vars.scss. It is also possible to stop the scaling at a certain viewport-width. See instructions inside vars.scss.


defined by variables

  • The width of the two available variables mobile and desktop are defined in vars.scss. Usage (with default values):
  • min 800px @include desktop {...}
  • max 799px@include mobile {...}

defined by individual pixel widths

  • at least 750px: @include vpw_min(750px)
  • at most 500px: @include vpw_max(500px)
  • between 1000px and 1200px: vpw(1000px, 1200px)

defined by ascepct-ratio

  • at least 16:9: @include asr_min(16,9) { ... }
  • at most 4:3: @include asr_max(4,3) { ... }

defined by css-class the two available classes mobile and desktop perform as followed (with default values):

.desktop {
	// hidden while < 800px;
.mobile {
	// hidden while > 799;