
Primary LanguageJavaScript




PokemonGo for birdwatchers!


An app that maps out recent birdsightings and help keep track of your own.


Birdwatch does the legwork for identifying recent bird sightings and hotspots, making it easier for birding novist and veterans to descover new birds. We combine user generated timeline with the location of recent sightings along with The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's database to create a trusted source for documented bird sightings. Our users travel to different hotspots on the map to find new and rare birds. They also learn about all the different types of birds in their neighborhood that they might not have known about. We've also integrated a social component that allows folks to share their bird lists with other birding enthusiasts.


It may be intimidating for beginner birders to get started. We make it easy!


Birdwatch tracks bird sightings as recent as 3 days.

Quote from You

"We want to use technology to improve the birdwatching experience and give birders a head start. We want our users to spend more time in nature spotting these birds instead of spending hours on the computer researching."

How to Get Started

Create a user account in less than 10 seconds and start exploring. The integrated map feature identifies recent bird sightings around you. Use the timeline to helps you log your bird sightings and share with other birders on the app.

Customer Quote

"We had no idea how many rare and exotic birds were in our neightborhood. There is a birding hotspot right around the corner from my house and I spotted my first Roseate Spoonbill! They're everywhere but they pop up unpredictably so you have to stay alert! Birdwatch giving us a head start by mapping out recent sightings. I am also happy that i can contribute to the birding community by logging all of my bird sightings. By posting where I saw the Roseate Spoonbill, I can make it that much easier for someone else to spot their first Roseate Spoonbill."

Closing and Call to Action

Grab your binoculars, open your Birdwatch app, and start birding!

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How to run the app on localhost

npm run build //starts bundling process with webpack
> npm start //Only run for front-end use. Not connected to server
nodemon server.js //starts the server and connects all components


https://github.com/fullstackreact/google-maps-react //Google maps pluggin https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/CLOISAPI/eBird+API+1.1 //eBird api