Batch-creates screenshots for all iOS devices in every language you define, ready for immediate upload in iTunes Connect. Uses and integrates with UIAutomation from Apple. Also great for unit testing.
- andepopande
- c2software
- ColdGrub1384My Home
- davebot
- debasishbhadra
- gugmaster
- HalloTobiBikemap GmbH
- hemju@lingohub
- irgendeinichAustria
- jhcloos
- joyjwilkes40
- justinpearceGulfport, MS
- kaiquewdev@fth-ship
- KuRty3009
- mmmbiscuitsNew Zealand (a few hours in the future)
- NewagewirelesssolutionsNew Age Wireless Solutions
- nuntikaice
- prozessor13
- quadresvienna
- shifted
- stormgrassVienna, Austria
- tkrajacicGraz, Austria
- vinhnx@carousell
- yoursoultreeKARTS