
CC0 icons for graphics, machine learning, computer vision

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This repository contains a set of CC0 icons in .svg format to be used for research talks, paper diagrams, videos, or whatever you want to use it for. The icons are mostly themed around computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning.

I've always been frustrated by how annoying it is to find copyright-free icons and found myself making the same figures over and over so I thought I would keep a repository of them.

These icons are released under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication which means you can use these icons for anything without permission or acknowledgement. Acknowledgement of course would always be appreciated though!

If you have any requests, if you file an issue I may create an icon for it someday.

Current Catalog

Name Image Link
Neural Network neuralnetwork .svg
Bulldozer bulldozer .svg
Bunny bunny .svg
Neural Field Paper neuralfieldpaper .svg
Floppy Disk floppydisk .svg
Deep Neural Network deepneuralnetwork .svg
Side Eye sideeye .svg