
sgp 2021 website

Primary LanguageHTML

Hugo website for SGP 2021

⚠️ Do not edit docs/ directly

Example workflow

On your local machine, install hugo

brew install hugo

Then clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/sgp2021/sgp2021.github.io.git

Change into this directory

cd sgp2021.github.io

Run the hugo server in the background while you're testing your edits:

hugo server -D

Hugo is helping us have a "fancy" website, but it means things are a bit more scattered. The goal is to push the layout/style related things into themes/minimalConference/* and the content related items into arrays/lists/maps in config.yaml (or content/*.md markdown files).

Once you're happy with your changes, then you can "deploy" your changes by overwriting the cached version of the website in docs/

hugo -D -d docs

Then git commit your changes (including those to docs/ and git push.