
UI mode not compatible in fullscreen mode

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I have tried to install the custom ui multiple times but it isnt work.

image image image

the theme only works when not in full screen 💀

Sorry about that! I removed the borders because some users mentioned there were border when watching videos in full screen. I'll check if there's a way to improve that.🥲

You could just have an alternative CSS file maybe ? Like we'd have one CSS with borders and one without and users could chose their flavor :)

For those interested, you could just add

#browser.mac.fullscreen:not(.mac-menubar-permanent):not(.mac-fullscreen-hover, .mac-fullscreen-hover-notch):not(.tabs-top) #main{
    padding: 10px 0;

to main_arc.css so you have bottom and top borders even in full window mode.
I also added this so inner window is rounded as well

#webview-container {
    border-radius: 8px;
    overflow: hidden;

@Dehelssey Thanks for your suggestion(and code🥰)! I should have some time this week to roll out an update, and as you mentioned, I'll make different versions available for users to download.

well i hope it's cleaner than mine because it only worked when tabs and panel were shown... otherwise you'd end up with a border on top and bottom but not on the sides anymore 😩

I've tweaked it a lot more since to fit my needs but i'm looking forward to your update :)