- 4
#30 opened by yangbentw - 6
- 1
Auto hide tab bar
#29 opened by yangbentw - 6
#28 opened by IamMiao - 1
- 6
Really small but i have this annoying bot around the task bar kind stupid but how do i fix this? it keeps catching my eye
#24 opened by ComplexSlayers2 - 1
Top left corner 3 dots and center title
#26 opened by everpromos - 1
- 0
- 1
Not working on Mac
#23 opened by daffinito - 1
- 4
Tabs are small
#12 opened by Hasan-01 - 4
Win 的新版本 Vivaldi 开启左侧标签栏后,工作区下的分割线与第一个标签页有重合
#20 opened by NextEcho - 1 missing
#19 opened by Kmfernan5 - 5
Traffic Icons overlapping with UI
#17 opened by Blendertom - 2
- 1
Close, Minimize and Maximize are very small
#15 opened by sebphillips - 3
- 5
UI mode not compatible in fullscreen mode
#11 opened by adambotfd - 7
Panel is to the right of the tabs
#13 opened by Ryah - 3
- 4
UI not working ?
#9 opened by volrod64 - 1
#10 opened by GGoukebo - 3
#8 opened by Alex-Zhangzhipeng - 2
- 3
#3 opened by m1509001 - 2
#2 opened by calliu - 2
换上 ui mod 后 没有标题栏
#1 opened by lt-xu