Ansible playbook for Aegir on CentOS 7

This is an Ansible playbook to setup a Vagrant, multi VM system.

For more information about the Vagrant machines see vagrant-multi-vm.


Tested on CentOS 7

Get started

  1. Clone this project
git clone
  1. Run the playbook playbook_ansible.yml. It will get all the roles and put them in roles/ansible-role-name (TODO: add roles ansible galaxy).
ansible-playbook -i hosts_vagrant playbook_ansible.yml
  1. Run the playbook playbook_vagrant to initialize the servers.
ansible-playbook -i hosts_vagrant playbook_vagrant.yml
  1. Run the playbook playbook_webserver to setup the web servers.
ansible-playbook -i hosts_vagrant playbook_webserver.yml
  1. Run the playbook playbook_hostmaster to setup Aegir.
ansible-playbook -i hosts_vagrant playbook_hostmaster.yml

If you like to run the playbooks against physical testing servers use the hosts_test using ansible vault.

ansible-vault decrypt hosts_test group_vars/test.yml


ansible-vault decrypt hosts_test
ansible-playbook -i hosts_test playbook_full_stack_aegir.yml --ask-vault-pass

Extra info


The sub-directories in the callback_plugins folder are git projects integrated with the git-subrepo. You can recognize them by the .gitrepo file.

Do not commit changes of the sub-projects on the main project.


The playbook_galera.yml is working but doesn't used by Aegir.

The is a bash script used to check the git status for the roles (as sub-projects)