

  1. docker build and tag
  2. Run with this command `docker run -p 6080:80 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm
  3. Access container at
  4. Switch to wineuser -> open terminal -> su wineuser
  5. Use winetricks to install c++ 2005
  6. Download matlab runtime2015 32bit
  7. Use win to install matlab runtime2015

This is where things get a bit dicy

  1. use winetricks to install Dotnet 3.5S1

  2. use winetricks to install Dotnet 4

  3. use winetricks to install vcrun2017

  4. Download Ascom Platform https://github.com/ASCOMInitiative/ASCOMPlatform/releases/download/Build_2695/ASCOMPlatform64.exe

  5. use win to install Ascom Platform

  6. Download pintpoint

  7. Run pinpoint like wine msiexec /i <pinpoint.msi>