Create SUPER basic project template for C++.
I was most familiar with node.js so creating this script was the path of least resistance. Since Visual Studio is not available for MacOS users I wanted a quick way to spin up new c++ projects.
- I may add additional build+run commands in the future, I may not
- Visual Studio Code has quite a few helpful add-ons for C++ for building and testing code, so that's probably the biggest deterrent to this project going anywhere
- This only intended for learning and discovery and NOT intended to replace an IDE
- If you're doing any serious C++ development I'd give serious pause before using this package, instead recommend:
- Get a windows machine instead
- Develop in Microsoft Visual Studio
npm install -g cpp-project-generator
cd <path>
gen-cpp <project_name> <args>
- New project folder name e.g.cpp-tutorial-01
- Documentation TBA