
Gradle plugins from TownSq team

Primary LanguageJava

Gradle plugins from TownSq team

S3 Maven Repositories Plugin

Gradle plugin that resolves AWS credentials for private Maven repositories assembled on AWS S3.

  • Declare plugin on build.gradle
plugins {
   id 'io.townsq.s3-maven' version '1.0.0-snapshot' 
  • The AWS credentials are read from either environment variables or local AWS profile, which are named, by default, as following:


    • profile maven from ~/.aws/credentials

    In order to change those names, add s3Maven extension to build.gradle, with either of the following:

      s3Maven {
         profile = 'profile-name'


      s3Maven {
         accessKeyEnvironmentVariable = 'access-key-variable-name'
         secretKeyEnvironmentVariable = 'secret-key-variable-name'

This plugin is source-based on hamstercommnity's plugin, and extends it to support AWS credential resolution from environment variables.

AWS Lambda Provisioning Plugin

Gradle plugin that provides tasks for AWS Lambda Functions provisioning.

  • Declare plugin on build.gradle
plugins {
   id 'io.townsq.aws-lambda-provisioning' version '1.0.0-snapshot' 
  • The AWS credentials are, by default, read from environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY

  • The AWS region is, by default, read from environment variable AWS_REGION

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker Bundle Plugin

Gradle plugin that provides tasks for bundling deployment descriptors for AWS Elastic Beanstalk Single Docker applications.

  • Declare plugin on build.gradle
plugins {
   id 'io.townsq.aws-eb-docker-bundle' version '1.0.0' 
  • Copying .ebextensions from your repo to build temporary folder
$ gradle copyEbExtensionsFolder
  • Generating Dockerrun.aws.json file descriptor
$ gradle createDockerrunAwsJson \
   -PdockerImageName=<docker-image-name> \
   -PdockerImageTag=<docker-image-tag> \
   -PdockerConfigBucket=<aws-s3-bucket-name> \

dockerImageName will be set on Dockerrun.aws.json

dockerImageTag defines the Docker image tag to be used

dockerConfigBucket names the AWS S3 bucket, which is expected to store config.json file containing potential private Docker repository credentials where the Docker image is hosted

containerPorts is a comma-separated list of ports which will be mapped on the running container

  • Bundling .ebextensions and Dockerrun.aws.json together in a ZIP file
$ gradle bundleAwsEbDockerDescriptors

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker Update Plugin

Gradle plugin that provides tasks for updating AWS Elastic Beanstalk Single Docker applications.

  • Declare plugin on build.gradle
plugins {
   id 'io.townsq.aws-eb-docker-update' version '1.0.0' 
  • Provide AWS credentials and region for both tasks (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION)

  • Updating AWS Elastic Beanstalk application environments

$ gradle updateAwsEbApplicationEnvironment \
   -PapplicationName=<aws-eb-application-name> \
   -PapplicationEnvironment=<aws-eb-application-environment-name> \
   -PapplicationVersion=<aws-eb-application-version> \

applicationName is the name of the AWS Elastic Beanstalk application

applicationEnvironment is the name of the AWS Elastic Beanstalk application environment

applicationVersion labels the version of the AWS Elastic Beanstalk application that will be used to updated the environment

bucketName refers to the AWS S3 bucket which stores deployment bundles for the AWS Elastic Beanstalk application

  • Monitoring AWS Elastic Beanstalk application environment updates

    $ gradle monitorAwsEbApplicationUpdate \
       -PapplicationName=<aws-eb-application-name> \
       -PapplicationEnvironment=<aws-eb-application-environment-name> \
       -PapplicationVersion=<aws-eb-application-version> \