
Angular package to display an image carousel.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Angular file preview and carrousel viewer for images and pdfs.

It uses ng2-pdf-viewer to display pdfs.


Install via yarn @townsquad/tsq-gallery or npm i @townsquad/tsq-gallery; Import to your app.modules.


Install dependencies via yarn or npm install; Run locally at localhost:4200 with ng serve


  • files - Files to be displayed at the Preview and Viewer. Accepted types: images and pdfs.
  • showLoading - Toggle display a Loader over the View content.


  • containerClass - Override the class of the container for the Preview. The class should either have ::ng-deep (not recommended) or be global.
  • itemContainerClass - Override the class of the container for each image of the Preview. The class should either have ::ng-deep (not recommended) or be global.
  • imagePreviewTemplate - Override the inner content for image type files on the Preview. Check TSqGalleryListItemTemplateRefContext for variables access.
  • pdfPreviewTemplate - Override the inner content for pdf type files on the Preview. This can be used if you want to hide the file. Check TSqGalleryListItemTemplateRefContext for variables access.
  • hasMiniPreviews - Toggle display the Preview or a single access action button. Override imagePreviewTemplate to edit it in case of false.
  • backdropClickClose - Toggle action of closing the backdrop of the Viewer.
  • displayNavigation - Toggle the navigation actions buttons at the Viewer.
  • displayNavigationIndex - Toggle display the image index count at the top of the Viewer.
  • topViewerClass - Override the class of the header of the Viewer. The class should either have ::ng-deep (not recommended) or be global.
  • topViewerTemplate - Override the inner content of the top of the Viewer. Check TSqGalleryTopViewerTemplateRefContext for variables access.
  • bottomViewerTemplate - Add content at the bottom of the Viewer. Check TSqGalleryBottomViewerTemplateRefContext for variables access.
  • loadingTemplate - Override the loader shown at the Viewer.
  • allowDownload - Toggle display the option to download files on the Viewer.
  • invalidFormatDisplayImage - Option to change the displayed image when the files is of an unsupported format.
  • displayInline - Show the viewer inline instead of a dialog.
  • keepOpen - When inline, always keeps the viewer open.