
A tool used for computations regarding photographic multi-station meteor observations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

QRicht (web)

A tool used for computations about photo cameras orientation in multi-station meteor observations

You can find it at https://toxik.github.io/qricht/; it works in IE11+, Chrome, Firefox, iOS and Android web browsers.

Below there's a table with the heights of the main meteor showers:

Stream Photographic (km) Video (km)
Quadrantids 89 96
Lyrids 94 101
Perseids 96 104
Orionids 99 107
Leonids 102 108

More details about the original software (this is a web port): http://www.imo.net/resources/software/qricht/

Developers Section

  • PRs welcome
  • For installation do an npm install
  • npm start will run a live dev server
  • npm run build will do a production build