
git merge driver for resolving conflicts in resx files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

resx-git-merge-driver(1) -- git merge driver for automatic merging of lockfiles

Automatic Setup (recommended):

To start using it right away:

$ npx resx-git-merge-driver install --global

Or install it locally, per-project:

$ cd /path/to/git/repository
$ npx resx-git-merge-driver install

...And you're good to go!


The following section is only for advanced configuration of the driver if you have specific needs.

Setup Options

resx-git-merge-driver install supports a couple of config options:

--driver - string to install as the driver in the git configuration

--driver-name - string to use as the merge driver name in your configuration

--files - list of files that will trigger this driver

--no-legacy - disables retrying legacy commands on error

Merge Options

resx-git-merge-driver merge can also be configured:

-c, --command - command to execute when a lockfile is conflicted

--no-legacy - disables retrying legacy commands on error

Install as Dependency

To avoid regular npx installs, consider installing the driver:

$ npm install [-g|--save-dev] resx-git-merge-driver

Manual Setup (advanced):

resx-git-merge-driver requires two git configurations to work: a git configuration to add the driver to git, which is by default your local .git/config file, and a gitattributes(5) configuration, which is by default your local .git/info/attributes.

If you do not want resx-git-merge-driver to install itself for you:

Add the driver to .git/config:

$ git config merge."resx-git-merge-driver".name \
    "Automatically merge resx files"
$ git config merge."resx-git-merge-driver".driver \
    "npx resx-git-merge-driver merge %A %O %B %P"

Add the relevant attributes to .gitattributes or .git/info/attributes:

*.resx merge=resx-git-merge-driver


To remove an installed merge driver, use resx-git-merge-driver uninstall:

$ npx resx-git-merge-driver uninstall [--global] [--driver-name=resx-git-merge-driver]


This work is released under the terms of the ISC license. See LICENSE.md for details.


  • git-config(1)
  • gitattributes(5)