Machine and Deep Learning Project @ Politecnico di Torino, Italy
The purpose, the achieved results and the theory behind these experiments are thoroughly explained in the project report.
The main components of the code are the following:
├── script that can be used to run the main experiments
├── modules
│ ├── dataset handling classes
│ ├── implementation of the PyTorch module neural networks
│ ├── training_methods*.py: set of helper methods including all possible variations of the training procedure
│ └── custom classes for image transformation
├── python_scripts: set of scripts used for all the experiments
└── results: complete set of achieved results
Please check the requirements before running the experiments. You can find the necessary packages in the requirement.txt
file. The Python version used to carry out all the experiments is 3.6.9
To run one of the experiments (between DA with relative rotation, Stepwise AFN and the combination of the two) just run
The RR experiment will run with default parameters, if desired, provide options to the command according to the help description:
usage: [-h] [--data_root DATA_ROOT] [--ram] [--no-ram]
[--ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR] [--result_dir RESULT_DIR]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR]
[--class_num CLASS_NUM] [--dropout_p DROPOUT_P]
[--momentum MOMENTUM] [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
[--step_size STEP_SIZE] [--gamma GAMMA] [--lambda LAMDA]
[--entropy_weight ENTROPY_WEIGHT] [--dr DR] [--radius RADIUS]
[--weight_L2norm WEIGHT_L2NORM]
[--experiment {rr,safn,safn-rr,hafn,hafn-rr}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data_root DATA_ROOT
--ram dataset stored in main memory
--no-ram dataset not stored in main memory, slower processing
--ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR leave default if checkpoint not desired
--result_dir RESULT_DIR
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--epochs EPOCHS
--lr LR
--class_num CLASS_NUM
--dropout_p DROPOUT_P
--momentum MOMENTUM
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
gamma factor for StepLR scheduler
--step_size STEP_SIZE
step size for StepLR scheduler
--gamma GAMMA
--lambda LAMDA weight for pretext loss
--entropy_weight ENTROPY_WEIGHT
weight for entropy loss
--dr DR step size for SAFN
--radius RADIUS shared fixed R value for HAFN
--weight_L2norm WEIGHT_L2NORM
weight of AFN loss
--experiment {rr,safn,safn-rr,hafn,hafn-rr}
select the experiment to run:`rr`: domain adaptation
with relative rotation,`safn`: hard afn e2e,`safn-rr`:
stepwise afn and relative rotation DA,`hafn`: hard afn
e2e,`hafn-rr`: hard afn and relative rotation DA
[1] M. R. Loghmani, L. Robbiano, M. Planamente, K. Park,B. Caputo, and M. Vincze. Unsupervised domain adaptation through inter-modal rotation for rgb-d object recognition,2020
[2] R. Xu, G. Li, J. Yang, and L. Lin. Larger norm more transferable: An adaptive feature norm approach for unsuperviseddomain adaptation, 2018