
MapleStory wz reader for Node.js and browser.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


MapleStory wz reader for Node.js and browser.

Incompletely port from lastbattle/Harepacker-resurrected/MapleLib/WzLib.

API Documentation



  • Node.js v12+

  • CMake v3.6+

  • Emscripten toolchain latest

    • Set environment variable $EMSDK to emsdk path

    • Add $EMSDK and $EMSDK/upstream/emscripten to $PATH

  • Make for Windows (Windows only)

git clone https://github.com/toyobayashi/wz.git
cd wz
npm install
npm run build


npm install
npm run build


npm install @tybys/wz

Node.js (v10.20+)

const path = require('path')
const {
} = require('@tybys/wz')

 * @param {string} wzFilePath - WZ file path
 * @param {WzMapleVersion} mapleVersion - MapleStory version
 * @param {string} dir - Output directory path
async function saveSounds (wzFilePath, mapleVersion, dir) {
  let n = 0

  // let _doNotUseMe

   * @template {import('@tybys/wz').WzObject} T
   * @param {T} obj - wz object
   * @returns {Promise<boolean | undefined>}
  async function callback (obj) {
    // obj is available only in this scope
    // _doNotUseMe = obj // ! do not do this
    if (obj.objectType === WzObjectType.Property && obj instanceof WzBinaryProperty) {
      const relativePath = path.win32.relative(wzFilePath, obj.fullPath).replace(/\\/g, '/')
      const file = path.join(dir, path.extname(relativePath) === '' ? `${relativePath}.mp3` : relativePath)
      console.log(`Saving ${path.resolve(file)}`)
      await obj.saveToFile(file)
    return false // continue walking

  await walkWzFileAsync(wzFilePath, mapleVersion, callback)

  console.log(`Total files: ${n}`)

  if (ErrorLogger.errorsPresent()) {

saveSounds('C:\\Nexon\\MapleStory\\Sound.wz', WzMapleVersion.BMS, 'Sound')

Modern browser

Browser environment should be with ES2018+ and WebAssembly support.

<input type="file" name="sound" id="file">

<script src="node_modules/@tybys/wz/dist/wz.min.js"></script>
/// <reference path="node_modules/@tybys/wz/dist/wz.d.ts" />

(function () {
  const input = document.getElementById('file')

  input.addEventListener('change', async (e) => {
    const f = e.target.files[0] // Select the Sound.wz file

    await wz.walkWzFileAsync(f, wz.WzMapleVersion.BMS, async (obj) => {
      if (obj.objectType === wz.WzObjectType.Property && obj instanceof wz.WzBinaryProperty) {

        const buf = (await obj.getBytes(false)) // MP3 Uint8Array
        const blob = new Blob([buf.buffer], { type: 'audio/mp3' })
        const src = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
        const audio = new Audio()
        audio.src = src

        await obj.saveToFile('1.mp3') // trigger download

        return true


Add CopyWebpackPlugin to copy wz.wasm file

const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CopyWebpackPlugin({
      patterns: [
        { from: 'node_modules/@tybys/wz/dist/wz.wasm', to: '${the same place with output bundle}/wz.wasm' }
  /* resolve: {
    alias: {
      '@tybys/binreader': '@tybys/binreader/lib/esm-modern/index.js'
  } */
import { walkWzFileAsync, /* ... */ } from '@tybys/wz'

Old browser

For example IE11:

<!-- BigInt -->
if (typeof BigInt === 'undefined') {
  window.BigInt = function BigInt (n) {
    return n;

<!-- document.currentScript -->
// https://github.com/amiller-gh/currentScript-polyfill/blob/master/currentScript.js

<!-- TextDecoder -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/text-encoding/lib/encoding-indexes.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/text-encoding/lib/encoding.js"></script>

<!-- ES6 globals -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@babel/polyfill/dist/polyfill.min.js"></script>

<script src="node_modules/@tybys/wz/dist/wz.es5.min.js"></script>


const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CopyWebpackPlugin({
      patterns: [
        { from: 'node_modules/@tybys/wz/dist/wz.js.mem', to: '${the same place with output bundle}/wz.js.mem' }
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      '@tybys/wz': '@tybys/wz/lib/esm/index.js' // es5 output


Though walkWzFileAsync() is easy to use, it is much more slower in browser than in Node.js. It is recommanded to use class API to do specific directory or image operation.

const { init, WzFile, WzMapleVersion, WzBinaryProperty, WzImage, WzDirectory, WzFileParseStatus, getErrorDescription } = require('@tybys/wz')

async function main () {
  // Must call init() first to initialize Webassembly
  // before calling other API in browser.
  // In nodejs it is just return Promise.resolve()
  await init()

  // Construct a WzFile object
  const wz = new WzFile('C:\\Nexon\\MapleStory\\Sound.wz', WzMapleVersion.BMS)

  const r = await wz.parseWzFile()
  if (r !== WzFileParseStatus.SUCCESS) {
    throw new Error(getErrorDescription(r))

  // Access main directory
  /** @type {WzDirectory} */
  const mainDirectory = wz.wzDirectory // ! not null

  /** @type {WzImage | null} */
  const img = mainDirectory.at('Bgm50.img')
  if (img === null) throw new Error('404')

  // Parse the image before use it
  await img.parseImage()

  // Access image properties
  const props = img.wzProperties // getter returns Set<WzImageProperty>

  for (const prop of props) {
    if (prop instanceof WzBinaryProperty) {
      // do something
      // prop.saveToFile()
