
Converting HEX & RGB colors to UIColor for both Objective C & Swift.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

UIColor.xyz Build Status

Website: http://www.uicolor.xyz/

UIColor is a website used to convert HEX & RGB colors to UIColor for both Objective-C and Swift featuring a colorpicker and copy to clipboard functionality making things easier.


  • AngularJS
  • NPM
  • Grunt
  • Http-Server


You have to install http-server globally and then just watch and serve the files.

npm install
npm install http-server -g
npm start


Travis CI does the job. For every commit on the master branch, Travis runs the builds and pushes to the gh-pages branch.


UIColor is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.