
A repo containing code covering various aspects of deep learning on Pytorch. Great for beginners and intermediate in the field

Primary LanguagePython


A repo containing code covering various aspects of deep learning on Pytorch. Great for beginners and intermediate in the field


# Python 3.7+
# Pytorch 0.4+ (along with torchvision)
# Numpy
# Torchtext
# Pandas
# openai-Gym

Repo Structure

# CNN Vision: contains numpy code on backpropgation over simple layers like linear, batchnormalization and CNN and Pytorch code for VGG-11
# RNN_LSTM NLP: contains numpy code on backpropgation over simple layers like multi-step RNN, multi-step LSTM for applications like image-captioning(written from scratch) and sentiment classification using torchtext and Pytorch
# Generative models: Contains code for Conditional VAE, GANs and siamese network
# Reinformcement Learning: Algorithms implemented include A2C, REINFORCE and DQN for cartpole problem.