
Hierarchical topic models for sparse count data with CorEx.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hierarchical Topic Modeling of Sparse Count Data with CorEx

The principle of Cor-relation Ex-planation has recently been introduced as a way to build rich representations that are maximally informative about the data. This project consists of python code to build these representations. The technique is generally more similar to the NIPS paper then the later AISTATS for speed reasons. This version is optimized for sparse binary data. In principle, continuous values in the range zero to one can also be used as inputs but the effect of this is not well tested.

A preliminary version of the technique is described in this paper.
Discovering Structure in High-Dimensional Data Through Correlation Explanation, NIPS 2014.

Further theoretical developments are described here:
Maximally Informative Hierarchical Representions of High-Dimensional Data, AISTATS 2015.


CorEx requires numpy and scipy. If you use OS X, I recommend installing the Scipy Superpack.

The visualization capabilities in vis_topic.py require other packages:

  • matplotlib - Already in scipy superpack.
  • networkx - A network manipulation library.
  • sklearn - Already in scipy superpack and only required for visualizations.
  • graphviz (Optional, for compiling produced .dot files into pretty graphs. The command line tools are called from vis_topic. Graphviz should be compiled with the triangulation library for best visual results).


To install, download using this link or clone the project by executing this command in your target directory:

git clone https://github.com/gregversteeg/corex_topic.git

Use git pull to get updates. The code is under development. Please contact me about issues with this pre-alpha version.

Example usage with command line interface

This implementation is optimized for sparse count data. Here is an example using the command line interface.

python vis_topic.py tests/data/twenty.txt --n_words=2000 --layers=50,5,1 -v --edges=150 -o test_output

Python API usage


import corex_topic as ct
import vis_topic as vt
import scipy.sparse as ss

X = np.array([[0,0,0,0,0], # A matrix with rows as samples and columns as variables.
              [1,1,1,1,1]], dtype=int)
X = ss.csr_matrix(X)  # Sparse matrices are supported, or np.matrix(X) for dense. 

layer1 = ct.Corex(n_hidden=2)  # Define the number of hidden factors to use.

layer1.clusters  # Each variable/column is associated with one Y_j
# array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
layer1.labels[:, 0]  # Labels for each sample for Y_0
# array([0, 0, 1, 1])
layer1.labels[:, 1]  # Labels for each sample for Y_1
# array([0, 1, 0, 1])
layer1.tcs  # TC(X;Y_j) (all info measures reported in nats). 
# array([ 1.385,  0.692])
# TC(X_Gj) >=TC(X_Gj ; Y_j)
# For this example, TC(X1,X2,X3)=1.386, TC(X4,X5) = 0.693

# If you ran python get_twenty.py then 
twenty = cPickle.load(open('tests/data/twenty_mat20000.dat'))
out = ct.Corex(n_hidden=100, verbose=True, max_iter=100).fit(twenty)
words = cPickle.load(open('tests/data/dictionary20000.dat'))
vt.vis_rep(out, column_label=words)

To run twenty newsgroups, you can first run /tests/data/get_twenty.py to get a sparse matrix and then load and run it within ipython or whatever.

CorEx outputs

As shown in the example, clusters gives the variable clusters for each hidden factor Y_j and labels gives the labels for each sample for each Y_j. Probabilistic labels can be accessed with p_y_given_x.

The total correlation explained by each hidden factor, TC(X;Y_j), is accessed with tcs. Outputs are sorted so that Y_0 is always the component that explains the highest TC. Like point-wise mutual information, you can define point-wise total correlation measure for an individual sample, x^l
TC(X = x^l;Y_j) == log Z_j(x)
This quantity is accessed with log_z. This represents the correlations explained by Y_j for an individual sample. A low (or even negative!) number can be obtained. This can be interpreted as a measure of how surprising an individual observation is. This can be useful for anomaly detection.

See the main section of vis_topic.py for more ideas of how to do visualization.


Hierarchical CorEx

The simplest extension is to stack CorEx representations on top of each other.

layer1 = ct.Corex(n_hidden=100)
layer2 = ct.Corex(n_hidden=10)
layer3 = ct.Corex(n_hidden=1)
Y1 = layer1.fit_transform(X)
Y2 = layer2.fit_transform(np.matrix(Y1.labels))
Y3 = layer2.fit_transform(np.matrix(Y2.labels))

The sum of total correlations explained by each layer provides a successively tighter lower bound on TC(X) (see AISTATS paper). To assess how large your representations should be, look at quantities like layer.tcs. Do all the Y_j's explain some correlation (i.e., all the TCs are significantly larger than 0)? If not you should probably use a smaller representation.

Getting better results

Note that CorEx can find different local optima after different random restarts. You can run it k times and take the best solution (with the highest TC). This version only allows for tree structure (a word can be in only one topic). In principle, we could use newer results from the AISTATS paper to get around this but it slows things down a lot.

Better visualizations

If you install the gts library and THEN install graphviz, graphviz should be capable of better visualizations (by using gts to render nicer curved lines).

sfdp tree.dot -Tpdf -Earrowhead=none -Nfontsize=12  -GK=2 -Gmaxiter=1000 -Goverlap=False -Gpack=True -Gpackmode=clust -Gsep=0.02 -Gratio=0.7 -Gsplines=True -o nice.pdf

Technical notes

For speed this version actually works only on binary data and produces binary latent factors. However, you can interpret input values in the range 0 to 1 as specified a probability that a word appears in a document. Therefore, we have several strategies for handling text data.

At the command line API you can specify the following strategies for handling non-binary count data.

  1. Naive binarization. This will be good for documents of similar length and especially short documents.

  2. Average binary bag of words. We split documents into chunks, compute the binary bag of words for each documents and then average. This implicitly weights all documents equally.

  3. All binary bag of words. Split documents into chunks and consider each chunk as its own binary bag of words documents. This changes the number of documents so it may take some work to match the ids back, if desired. Implicitly, this will weight longer documents more heavily. Generally this seems like the most theoretically justified method to me. Ideally, you could aggregate the latent factors over sub-documents to get 'counts' of latent factors at the higher layers.

  4. Fractional counts. This converts counts into a fraction of the background rate, with 1 as the max. Short documents tend to stay binary and words in long documents are weighted according to their frequency with respect to background in the corpus. This seems to work Ok on tests. It requires no preprocessing of count data and it uses the full range of possible inputs. But it's not a very rigorous approach.

For the python API, for 1 and 2, you can use the functions in vis_topic.py to process data or do the same yourself. 0 is specified through the python api with count='binarize' and 3 with count='fraction'.


This version is free to use for academic and non-commercial purposes. For commercial uses, this code is free to try for 30 days. Please contact us for information on licensing arrangements.

Example results

This was obtained using the 20 newsgroups dataset with binarized bag of words. We first split up documents to have a maximum length of 300 words. We used a snowball stemmer. The data was downloaded using sklearn with headers footers and comments (supposedly) removed. Hierarchical structure shown below.

0:q,m,z,v,ax,p,w,max,pl,bhj 1:file,window,program,softwar,ftp,user,server,version,dos,graphic 2:game,team,player,play,season,hockey,leagu,score,playoff,basebal 3:r,n,f,l,h,g,b,k,d,y 4:card,disk,pc,drive,mac,ram,machin,scsi,video,driver 5:armenian,turkish,armenia,turk,azerbaijani,turkey,azerbaijan,ottoman,sumgait,genocid 6:montreal,calgari,chicago,smith,blue,quebec,king,minnesota,patrick,loui 7:jew,israel,war,arab,muslim,isra,jewish,palestinian,nazi,villag 8:god,his,christian,he,him,jesus,christ,bibl,church,religion 9:govern,law,gun,crime,enforc,countri,crimin,polit,weapon,citizen 10:medic,diseas,patient,doctor,infect,treatment,clinic,medicin,hicnet,newslett 11:orbit,space,launch,solar,earth,shuttl,satellit,design,moon,circuit 12:that,it,of,to,a,the,difficult,repeat,miss,btw 13:do,if,you,have,your,my,know,want,how,i 14:who,children,live,kill,her,she,death,against,women,men 15:sin,lord,scriptur,paul,passag,spirit,matthew,biblic,john,gospel 16:x,contrib,lcs,tar,xt,de,lib,fr,uu,det 17:car,bike,ride,mile,brake,wheel,rear,motorcycl,dod,honda 18:encrypt,key,clipper,secur,escrow,privaci,chip,nsa,algorithm,des 19:was,were,had,they,did,said,say,didnt,believ,went 20:research,univers,publish,studi,book,scienc,institut,organ,scientif,author 21:nation,presid,russian,offic,unit,militari,administr,agenc,soviet,fund 22:jpeg,ray,map,astronom,manipul,telescop,rayshad,arc,gamma,jfif 23:nasa,mission,spacecraft,inc,contact,date,astronomi,mar,internet,ame 24:price,sale,sell,system,cost,buy,offer,ship,market,product 25:this,be,with,is,and,extrem,familiar,evalu,corrupt,trend 26:thank,pleas,mail,me,email,appreci,send,am,help,ani 27:gif,color,convert,zip,au,sgi,viewer,fax,tcp,wuarchiv 28:md,st,al,et,sj,nl,ai,ed,cl,ab 29:avail,anonym,mit,archiv,distribut,export,usenet,binari,output,host 30:human,evid,atheist,moral,teach,interpret,contradict,atheism,context,reject 31:san,april,los,center,california,angel,francisco,jose,divis,confer 32:edu,com,cs,ca,apr,gov,uiuc,gmt,ac,netcom 33:text,contain,set,function,messag,sourc,list,document,standard,command 34:we,fact,person,clear,statement,life,understand,matter,agre,action 35:homosexu,sexual,sex,male,gay,food,blood,eat,heterosexu,mari 36:at,are,other,in,two,least,both,abil,popular,comparison 37:gas,water,heat,tank,floor,tear,hot,air,ground,door 38:so,what,dont,then,im,here,sure,anyth,put,exact 39:would,becaus,thing,could,reason,realli,probabl,enough,actual,wrong 40:fbi,koresh,batf,fire,compound,waco,davidian,agent,atf,reno 41:or,use,can,for,need,look,either,etc,type,capabl 42:hous,citi,washington,york,senat,east,depart,street,white,school 43:provid,support,base,develop,number,requir,subject,specif,addit,detail 44:than,more,less,better,rather,much,wors,easier,smaller,bigger 45:out,when,go,been,good,still,turn,few,long,until 46:year,ago,month,money,week,old,pay,tax,spend,plan 47:time,no,one,well,now,over,take,sinc,come,while 48:their,those,own,day,made,dure,today,member,place,offici 49:mamma,shout,thou,saudi,arabia,kuwait,karina,lyuda,marina,igor 50:state,issu,continu,report,involv,press,attempt,form,activ,individu 51:all,some,onli,will,way,differ,howev,give,anoth,choos 52:by,from,must,sever,exampl,found,view,describ,thus,appear 53:effect,result,larg,level,limit,common,reduc,usual,amount,lower 54:includ,follow,note,new,current,section,full,receiv,process,below 55:even,right,after,again,left,never,though,hand,certain,onc 56:on,an,work,possibl,allow,direct,fine,similar,recent,basic 57:world,face,fight,decid,fall,decis,taken,conclud,minor,movement 58:line,phone,bit,servic,commerci,box,telephon,communic,technic,releas 59:three,high,increas,four,near,averag,five,cover,half,factor 60:get,like,up,problem,around,sound,abl,great,friend,unfortun 61:guy,night,hes,watch,oh,beat,stay,yeah,hey,flame 62:vice,bobb,versa,beauchain,ico,sank,bronx,manhattan,tek,queen 63:down,off,let,littl,side,sit,pull,alway,shoot,stick 64:first,second,between,begin,later,major,previous,entir,consist,comment 65:question,answer,which,there,without,simpl,necessari,sacrif,coher,disassembl 66:point,whi,whether,care,cours,feel,becom,expect,concern,realiz 67:as,mani,may,purpos,term,approach,cat,encompass,improp,meantim 68:too,back,happen,bad,mayb,couldnt,theyr,rememb,poor,chanc 69:argument,claim,true,fals,prove,therefor,mere,definit,convinc,behavior 70:but,same,find,chang,quit,suggest,correct,instead,troubl,strang 71:just,think,got,lot,everyth,seen,perfect,mess,silli,impress 72:our,us,neighbor,strong,held,trust,proof,approv,burden,gather 73:such,general,case,part,order,protect,prevent,initi,itself,appropri 74:stop,behind,serious,mind,lose,caught,hurt,push,straight,tough 75:mean,discuss,read,valid,knowledg,basi,logic,unless,presum,inher 76:not,doe,cannot,incorrect,fatal,liabl,sloppi,recognis,ascertain,enlighten 77:peopl,judg,rule,abus,respect,consequ,hide,assumpt,critic,qualifi 78:see,them,should,show,real,easili,dozen,counter,clockwis,discus 79:most,import,through,although,within,maintain,next,success,along,character 80:about,has,kind,deal,short,fill,constant,wherea,introduc,afterward 81:sens,lack,perhap,necessarili,nor,inde,pure,equal,distinct,bias 82:soon,bank,shame,nervous,sixti,anytim,stranger,breakdown,railroad,plaqu 83:light,eye,led,heavi,across,visibl,quiet,duti,deep,surround 84:accept,practic,act,accord,relationship,fundament,strict,recogn,emphasi,aris 85:word,exist,appli,simpli,confus,yourself,regard,essenc,conform,simplifi 86:oper,each,origin,present,special,higher,ident,precis,uniqu,variant 87:group,particular,given,ask,convers,creation,aspect,wrote,construct,conveni 88:third,period,field,lead,close,contribut,kept,candid,earn,theoret 89:into,these,where,formula,intrud,surpass,simplic,comedi,oposit 90:man,bear,stand,grant,amaz,broke,settl,ultim,disput,defeat 91:road,dark,black,border,mountain,room,scene,grey,silver,axe 92:consid,self,opinion,attitud,exercis,conserv,philosophi,criteria,correl,categori 93:non,complex,ad,extend,orient,equival,calcul,primarili,fulli,henc 94:last,morn,sunday,earli,regular,credit,relief,televis,span,dish 95:caus,occur,safe,danger,failur,excess,unusu,interfer,difficulti,stress 96:public,search,licens,intellig,speech,wish,permiss,acknowledg,artifici,identif 97:stuff,delet,hard,replac,soft,bar,master,parallel,doubl,simpler 98:also,veri,under,widespread,wealth,vocal,overhaul,reread,idealist 99:start,move,minut,break,forward,finger,count,split,match,noon

The colors are just added to draw attention to things I found interesting at first glance. hierarchical topics