A simple Android class for encrypting & decrypting strings, aiming to avoid the classic mistakes that most such classes suffer from.
- 0
#59 opened by w1s3one805 - 2
- 0
#57 opened by Maissilapsi - 2
SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") is deprecated
#44 opened by Zeus64 - 6
- 3
Decryption returning something weird.
#49 opened by joshuasbee - 2
Allow some params to be editable
#27 opened by skippy - 2
Encrypted Stream...
#38 opened by spyhunter99 - 14
- 2
Caller-provided IV not permitted
#40 opened by cyph3rcod3r - 1
- 4
- 5
Support for GCM chiper transformation
#33 opened by duddu - 2
Users be warned. SHA 256 instead of PBKDF2
#47 opened by JohnOberhauser - 8 SecretKeyFactory PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 implementation not found
#9 opened by orhanobut - 6
Where to store the generated key?
#25 opened by strider29 - 0
android decode was not quickly
#41 opened by Mingyueyixi - 4
aes-crypto missing from Maven Central
#34 opened by billmote - 5
request: java jre/jdk specific version
#35 opened by spyhunter99 - 1
Where should I store the salt?
#37 opened by nilsi - 0
Storing secret key
#26 opened by abhogu - 12
Maven support
#7 opened by orhanobut - 2
- 8
- 3
- 4
SecureRandom backed by wrong Provider exception
#13 opened by xDragonZ - 1
- 3
Access from other activity
#17 opened by mkiisoft - 7
Performance issues with PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
#28 opened by ScottPierce - 2
- 1
LG devices Bad base64
#21 opened by ozzy4654 - 1
- 6
MAC stores in civ does not match computed MAC
#19 opened by LeHaine - 3
constantTimeEq not constant
#10 opened by jedrivisser - 4
is IV included into the cipher?
#5 opened by romanman