
Authenticate to Linux-based systems using Tozny. Based on the PAM framework. Tozny lets your users log in with their phone. Its one or two-factor authentication system is easy to use, easy to integrate, and cryptographically secure.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Authenticate to Linux-based systems using Tozny.

Tozny provides toznyauth_pam adding Tozny support to common Unix commands, such as ssh and sudo. toznyauth_pam is Based on the PAM framework, a pluggable authentication framework that is supported on Linux, OS X, and several BSD flavors. With toznyauth_pam you can add two-factor authentication to Unix services on a per-service basis. Or you can use Tozny as a primary authentication factor.

toznyauth_pam is a beta feature. Please use caution when trying it to avoid locking yourself out of a server in case something goes wrong.

For background, and for details on installing and configuring, see the full documentation.

Try it

A demo is included in the demo/ directory. The demo builds the PAM module in a Docker container, and runs an ssh server that is configured to use Tozny authentication.

Before trying the demo, install the Tozny app for Android or iOS. Then try logging in to the web-based demo to get a Tozny user id.

To find your Tozny user id and realm id, open the Tozny app and select "Accounts". Select an identity (one should have been added when you logged into the web demo.) You should see your user id and realm id. They are both of the format 'sid_c233df00c07b9'.

Next run the PAM demo:

$ demo/run.sh

Enter your Tozny user id and realm id.

The demo will download dependencies and run the build process in a Docker container; so it will take a little while to start up. Once it is running, you will have a local ssh server to log into.


This project is currently building with:

rustc 1.0.0-nightly (b4c965ee8 2015-03-02) (built 2015-03-03)

To get that particular version of the rust compiler:

$ curl -O https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/2015-03-03/rust-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf rust-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
$ cd rust-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ sudo ./install.sh

Install development dependencies. On Debian-based systems those are:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libpam-dev


$ cargo build

Because rust is still alpha, there is currently a lot of churn in the standard libraries and in the dependencies of this crate. To deal with that, a Dockerfile is included which provides a reproducible build environment. To build with Docker (instead of using cargo directly) run:

$ make

This will output dist/toznyauth_pam.so


Install pamtester.

Create a test service configuration file, /etc/pam.d/test-service with this content:

$ echo 'auth required toznyauth_pam.so' | sudo tee /etc/pam.d/test-service


$ pamtester test-service $USER "authenticate(0)"

Where $USER can be any Linux user on your system, and 0 can be replaced with any valid PAM flags.