
Simulate WHILE programs in Standard ML.

Primary LanguageStandard ML

Write and simulate WHILE programs in Standard ML. Basic statements are:

Add i j k               (* x_i := x_j + x_k *)
Sub i j k               (* x_i := x_j - x_k *)
Const i j               (* x_i := c *)
While i stmt            (* while x_i != 0 do stmt od *)
stmt_1 \\ stmt_2        (* stmt_1 ; stmt_2 *)

sml-while also supports some syntactic sugar:

Assign i j              (* x_i := x_j *)
AddC i j c              (* x_i := x_j + c *)
SubC i j c              (* x_i := x_j - c *)
Inc i                   (* x_i++ *)
Dec i                   (* x_i-- *)
Call i f [a, b, ...] j  (* x_i := f(x_a, x_b, ...) *)
(* "Calling" executes statement f by shifting x_k to x_{k+j} for all k *)

Example: This program calculates "x * y":

open While
infix \\
val mul = Program 2 3 (     (* WHILE program gets 2 inputs,
                               state contains 3 variables *)
    Assign 2 0 \\           (* x_2 := 0 *)
    Const 0 0 \\            (* x_0 := 0 *)
    For 2 (                 (* for x_2 do *)
        Add 0 0 1           (*     x_0 := x_0 + x_1 *)
    )                       (* od *)
val it = mul [42, 7]
(* it = 294 *)