
This Docker Compose file sets up a PostgreSQL database and a PgBouncer connection pooler.

PostgreSQL and PgBouncer Docker Compose

This Docker Compose file sets up a PostgreSQL database and a PgBouncer connection pooler.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run docker-compose up -d to start the containers
  3. Connect to the database using localhost:5432


The following environment variables can be set for the PostgreSQL container:

  • POSTGRES_DB: The name of the default database to create
  • POSTGRES_USER: The username of the default user to create
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The password of the default user to create

The following files can be modified for the PgBouncer container:

  • pgbouncer.ini: The configuration file for PgBouncer
  • userlist.txt: The userlist file for PgBouncer


The following volumes are used:

  • ./postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data: The data directory for PostgreSQL
  • ./postgres.conf:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf: The configuration file for PostgreSQL
  • ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql: SQL scripts to initialize the database
  • ./pgbouncer.ini:/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini:ro: The configuration file for PgBouncer
  • ./userlist.txt:/etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt:ro: The userlist file for PgBouncer


The following services are used:

  • postgres:13-alpine: The PostgreSQL database
  • edoburu/pgbouncer:1.17.0: The PgBouncer connection pooler