
Primary LanguageJava


This is a "toy-app" created for learning purposes and as a code repository for future projects. It uses MVVM architecture with I/O 2017 google architecture components Room Library - LiveData - ViewModel and repository pattern with the help of popular libraries. The use of NASA public images api can be found at https://images.nasa.gov/docs/images.nasa.gov_api_docs.pdf

Built With

  • Butterknife - view binding
  • Retrofit2.0 - REST api client
  • gson - json serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
  • Room - Sqlite abstraction layer
  • LiveData - Observable data holder class
  • Glide - Images Loading and caching
  • Timber - Logging library
  • Stetho - debug bridge for Android applications

Coming soon:

  • Dagger2 - dependency injector for Android and Java

Tsakiridis Thanos