PHP Address Book Library


This is an address book library implementation with PHP. It supports adding multiple users which have name, email addresses, addresses and phone numbers, also the users can be related with user groups.

For detailed API documentation, please refer to docs/index.html


AddressBook Class

The AddressBook class supports these methods:

  • addUser($first_name, $last_name) Adds an user to the address book
  • getUser($first_name, $last_name) Finds an exact matched user with given $first_name and $last_name
  • searchUser($first_name, $last_name, $email_start) Finds users with one or more of the given parameters, supports:
    • only first name search,
    • only last name search
    • only email partial search (uses starts with logic to compare)
    • any mix of the previous filters
  • addGroup($group_name) Adds a group to the address book
  • getGroup($group_name) Gets the exact matched group from the address book

Person Class

The returned Person instance has these methods:

  • getFirstName(): gets the first name of the person
  • getLastName(): gets the last name of the person
  • getFullName(): gets the concatenated result of person's first and last name
  • getEmails(): gets the email address array of the person
  • getAddresses(): gets the address array of the person
  • getPhoneNumbers(): gets the phone number array of the person
  • addEmail($email): adds an email address to the person
  • addAddress($address): adds an address to the person
  • addPhoneNumbers($number): adds a phone number to the user
  • searchEmail($email_part): returns true if user has an email starting with $email_path.
  • addToGroup($group): adds this user to a group defined in the addressbook. The input type is AddressBook\Group.
  • getGroups(): gets the user's groups in the form of AddressBook\Group object array.

Group Class

The returned Group instance has these methods:

  • getGroupName(): returns the group name
  • setGroupName($group_name): alters the group name
  • getMembers(): gets the group's members in the form of AddressBook\Person object array.


Adding A Person to the Address Book

$aBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook;

Adding A Group to the Address Book

$aBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook;

Given a Group, Finding It's Members

$aBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook;
$work = $aBook->addGroup("Work");
$work_members = $work->getMembers();

Given a Person, Finding It's Groups

$aBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook;
$john = $aBook->addPerson("John","Doe");
$johns_groups = $john->getGroups();

Find person by name (can supply either first name, last name, or both).

$aBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook;
$john = $aBook->addPerson("John","Doe");
$john = $aBook->addPerson("Jane","Doe");
$john = $aBook->addPerson("John","Does");
$john = $aBook->addPerson("June","Do");
$search_1 = $aBook->searchPerson("John","",""); 
// returns "John Doe" and "John Does"
$search_2 = $aBook->searchPerson("","Doe",""); 
// returns "John Doe" and "Jane Doe"
$search_3 = $aBook->searchPerson("June","Does",""); 
// returns "June Does"
$search_4 = $aBook->searchPerson("June,"Doe",""); 
// returns false

Find person by start of the email address

$aBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook;
$john = $aBook->addPerson("John","Doe");
$john2 = $aBook->addPerson("John","Does");
$search_1 = $aBook->searchPerson("","","john.doe"); 
// returns "John Doe" and "John Does"
$search_2 = $aBook->searchPerson("","","john.does"); 
// returns only "John Does"
$search_3 = $aBook->searchPerson("","",""); 
// returns "John Doe"
$search_4 = $aBook->searchPerson(","","john.doer"); 
// returns false

Design Only Question

If you want to make the e-mail address search by using parts of the string instead of comparing the start of the e-mail address, you can modify AddressBook\Person\searchEmail method to use

// This check enables the part of email address detection, 
// and not equal to false is added because `>= 0` will also be returning true 
// for "false" values. We only want "0"  and higher to return `true`.
return strpos($email_address, $email) >= 0 && strpos($email_address, $email) !== false;

instead of

// this checks if the query is the start of the email address.
return strpos($email_address, $email) === 0;

This will enable the lookup process to return true if the string also is a part of the e-mail address.