NeuralFeatureExtractor (NFE) enables feature extraction from trained PyTorch model
current version supports following models:
- pytorch MNIST CNN example
- Keyword Spotting: Honk & Google Speech Command dataset
- CNN example for MNIST & Facial Expression Research Group Database (FERG-DB)
Details can be found below
- csv
To support new file type, simply write a class that inherits FileHandler
In order to add a new model, copy and paste your model to model folder and modify the forward
function to return the intermediate representation
The new model must be added to as well.
Then, the trained model must be stored under pretrained_model folder
Next, copy and paste your DataLoader to data_loader folder
NFE requires two configurations
: configuration for the Modeldata_config
: configuration for the DataLoader
Samples can be found from config folder
The following command generates features and stored them at generated/<model name>
python --model_config <model_config> --data_config <data_config>
target classes: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] feature size : 196
python --model_config config/mnist/model_config.json --data_config config/mnist/data_config.json
Relevant packages can be installted by running pip install -r per_model_requirements/kws_res_model.txt
The dataset must be downloaded prior to feature extraction. Please refer to official Google Speech Command dataset page
target classes: ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"] feature size : 196
python --model_config config/kws/model_config.json --data_config config/kws/data_config.json
Use the same CNN example for MNIST by loading FERG images with grey scale and reduce dimensions to [1, 28, 28]
target classes:
- anger: 0
- disgust: 1
- fear: 2
- joy: 3
- neutral: 4
- sadness: 5
- surprise: 6
feature size : 196
python --model_config config/ferg/model_config.json --data_config config/ferg/data_config.json