
How to create test.csv in synthetic domain?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi,thank you for your sharing excellent work! But I don't konw how to create test.csv in synthetic domain because there is not test.json in synthetic folder.In the repository,test.csv of synthetic domain is needed for training.Looking forward to your answers!


Please note that there is no test.csv in synthetic domain. Since the purpose of SPEED+ is to evaluate robustness across domain gap (i.e., out-of-distribution generalization, sim2real), we do not provide test set for in-distribution domain (i.e., synthetic).


Firstly,thank you for your timely response!
I understand what you mean,but I don't konw why test.csv is used in pocess of training synthetic dataset,as this screenshot above illustrates.

Yes, that's a mistake on my part, sorry for that. Please also note that those code snippets are only provided as a template to run the script.

Ok!And then I'm very instrested in Object Detection Network in this paper:TOWARDS ROBUST LEARNING-BASED POSE ESTIMATION OF NONCOOPERATIVE SPACECRAFT,so I want to do further research.Could you provide code about this network?Thank you very much!

We do not plan to release ODN codes at the moment for a number of reasons

  1. It closely follows YOLOv3 with minor changes, so any other public repos with implementations of YOLOv3 can be used
  2. The effect of object detection performance on KRN performance is minimal as long as KRN is trained to incorporate misaligned RoI
  3. This means any publicly available object detection CNN can be used in place of the one specific ODN in the paper.