python codes used for geophysical alarms at AVO
- pandas
- numpy
- obspy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- Basemap
- PIL (pillow)
- xlrd
- dotenv
- enveloc (only for Tremor module)
- shapefile (for Pilot_Report module)
- beautifulsoup4 (for SO2 & NOAA_CIMSS modules)
- tomputils (optional for Mattermost)
You'll need to edit .env_example with the relevant system parameters and rename the file .env
These variables get committed to environment variables when importing anything from /alarm_codes
Run the code: <alarm_config> <datetime>
For example:
./ Pavlof_RSAM_config 201701020205
It can also be run without a datestamp, in which case it will use the most recent minute as its time.
An example of how we run a cron minutely on the Cleveland infrasound array, CLCO:
* * * * * cd /alarms; python CLCO_Infrasound_config > /dev/null 2>&1
Note: if using the module, you'll need to add /bin/XC_loc/ to your python path
Edit the .distribution_example.xlsx to include the relevant recipient addresses and rename to distribution.xlsx
It is important that column headers match the name of the alarm config file names (but replacing _ with a space)