
Scripts for collecting data from Reddit for a NLP project on assessing severity of depression

Primary LanguagePython

Data Collection Script

No longer supported

Since the reddit API no longer supports CloudSyntax, this script does not function. When I get the time, I will update this or create a different script that will handle extracting data from pushshift.io's collection of reddit posts



Create credential.ini in the same directory as main.py with the follow info:

id:<Insert Reddit Application ID>
secret:<Insert Reddit Application Secret>
user_agent:<Insert custom User Agent so that Reddit's API can uniquely identify you>
host:<Insert hostname that MySQL runs on>
username:<Insert user for MySQL session>
password:<Insert password for said user>
name:<Insert name of receiving database>


Command Line Arguments

usage: DataCollector.py [-h] [-o] [-db] [-start] [-end] [-sub]

Pulls down submissions from Reddit using PRAW

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -db                   Specify database name. Default: Current date and time.
  -sub                  Specify subreddit(s) by name to parse.
  -start                Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Starting date to begin search. Inclusive.
  -end                  Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Ending date to finish search. Exclusive.
# Example:
# Pull all submissions and top-level comments from r/depression and r/GetMotivated
# from 1 Jan 2016 at 00:00 up to 1 Jan 2017 at 00:00.

./DataCollector.py -start 2016-01-01 -end 2017-01-01 -sub depression GetMotivated

# To run the script as a background process, use nohup and &
# Example:

nohup ./DataCollector.py -start 2016-01-01 -end 2017-01-01 -sub depression GetMotivated &


Errors are appended to error.log with the SQL that failed.