
A system to track the ranks of players across the Starcraft Grandmaster Ladder

Primary LanguagePHP

Ladder Tracking System for Feardragon64's Ladder Heroes

This is both the frontend and backend system for ladderhero.es, a weekly Starcraft competition hosted by feardragon64. All code and design was done by Troy Pavlek.


First register composer install in the project root.

There are two main components to the system. The main application domain is all in the src/ folder, and a Laravel installation that can speak with the domain is located in web/. You should point your webserver to the web/public/ folder.

You'll need to copy .env.example to .env and edit the appropriate values. There are two environment files to do this in, in the project root and in the web/ folder.

In the web/ folder register php artisan migrate --seed to migrate the initial database as well as seeding the admin user.

Using The System

Any system controls that can be done in the web interface, can also be done via the command line. Run php console.php for a list of commands and their descriptions.

To update the ladder id, change the static variables in vendor/depotwarehouse/bnet-sc2-api/src/Apiservice.php.



Note: The state of testing is not where I want it to be, not many tests are written currently. Proceed with caution.