
Creates an inventory catalogue of a Brickset collection in HTML & Word formats using the Brickset API.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

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BricksetCatalogue creates a catalogue of LEGO sets and minifigs from a Brickset inventory using the Brickset API.

Brickset catalogues can be created in HTML and/or Word formats.

🔰 Getting Started

This simple list of instructions will get you started with the Brickset Catalogue module.

1️⃣ Pre-requisites

A Brickset account and API key is required to use this module. If you do not have an existing Brickset account, you may sign up here. If you do not have an existing API key, you may request one here.

Once you have registered an account with Brickset, add the LEGO sets and minifigs which you own and want to your online Brickset inventory.

💾 Supported Versions


The Brickset Catalogue module is compatible with the following PowerShell versions;

Windows PowerShell 5.1 PowerShell 7
> 7.1 ✅

🔧 System Requirements

The following required modules will be installed automatically. These modules may also be manually installed.

Module Name Minimum Required Version PS Gallery GitHub Author
PScribo 0.10.0 Link Link @iainbrighton
BricksetModule 2.1.0 Link Link @jonathanmedd

📦 Module Installation


Open a PowerShell terminal window and install the required module as follows;

install-module BricksetCatalogue

✏️ Commands


The New-BricksetCatalogue cmdlet is used to generate a Brickset inventory catalogue using the Brickset API. User credentials for the Brickset API are specifed using the Credential, or the Username and Password parameters. One or more document formats, such as HTML and/or Word can be specified using the Format parameter. Additional parameters are outlined below.

    Creates an inventory catalogue of a Brickset collection in HTML & Word formats using the Brickset API.
    Creates an inventory catalogue of a Brickset collection in HTML & Word formats using the Brickset API - https://brickset.com/article/52664/api-version-3-documentation.
    Specifies the output format of the catalogue.
    The supported output formats are HTML & WORD.
    Multiple output formats may be specified, separated by a comma.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies the stored credential for the Brickset API.
    Specifies the username for the Brickset API.
    Specifies the password for the Brickset API.
    Specifies an API key to authenticate to the Brickset API.
.PARAMETER Timestamp
    Specifies whether to append a timestamp string to the catalogue filename.
    By default, the timestamp string is not added to the catalogue filename.
.PARAMETER OutputFolder
    Specifies the folder path to save the catalogue file.
    Specifies a filename for the catalogue.
    Specifies the sort order for the sets.
    The supported sort orders are 'Name', 'Theme', 'Number', 'Pieces', 'QtyOwned', 'Rating'
.PARAMETER ExcludeWantedSets
    Excludes wanted sets from the catalogue.
.PARAMETER ExcludeOwnedSets
    Excludes owned sets from the catalogue.
.PARAMETER ExcludeWantedMinifigs
    Excludes wanted minifigs from the catalogue.
.PARAMETER ExcludeOwnedMinifigs
    Excludes owned minifigs from the catalogue.
    Excludes the Table of Contents from the catalogue.

💻 Examples

Here are some examples to get you going.

Get-Help New-BricksetCatalogue -Examples

# Creates a Brickset catalogue in HTML format using the specified username, password and API key.
PS C:\>New-BricksetCatalogue -Username 'tim@lego.com' -Password 'LEGO!' -ApiKey 'cgY-67-tYUip' -OutputFolder 'C:\MyDocs'

# Creates a Brickset catalogue in Word format using a PSCredential and API key.
PS C:\>New-BricksetCatalogue -Format Word -Credential (Get-Credential) -ApiKey 'cgY-67-tYUip' -OutputFolder 'C:\MyDocs'

# Creates a Brickset catalogue in HTML & Word formats using the specified username, password and API key.
PS C:\>New-BricksetCatalogue -Format HTML,Word -Username 'tim@lego.com' -Password 'LEGO!' -ApiKey 'cgY-67-tYUip' -OutputFolder 'C:\MyDocs'

📝 Notes

  • Table Of Contents (TOC) may be missing in Word formatted catalogue

    When opening a DOCX catalogue, MS Word prompts the following

    "This document contains fields that may refer to other files. Do you want to update the fields in this document?"

    Yes / No

    Clicking No will prevent the TOC fields being updated and leaving the TOC empty.

    Always reply Yes to this message when prompted by MS Word.