This repo is meant to serve as a tutorial to help you get started with hosting a full web stack application as quickly as possible.
The stack is as follows:
- ReactJS Frontend
- NodeJS/ExpressJS Backend
- Firebase Database
For the sake of brevity and scope, we will not spend too much time detailing the ins and outs of the stack. However, hosting applications on alternative stacks (frontend,backends,databases) should be similar and there are endless permutations of stacks and hosting solutions.
There are two main branches which will serve as two semi-independent tutorials on hosting your web app (with more details on slides)
- coupled-hosting: we will be hosting our backend and frontend on Heroku
- decoupled-hosting: we will be hosting our backend on Heroku and frontend on Netlify
How to follow along with
- Clone by running
git clone
- Switch to a tutorial branch, ie.)
git checkout coupled-hosting
- Follow instructions on and enjoy
- (Optional) Leave any feedback or questions on the form below
We would love you to provide feedback on the presentation and code via this Google Form :)