
MFA approximation of absorption spectra

Primary LanguagePython

Install DIY

Build dependencies

  • C++11 or higher compiler
  • MPI
git clone https://github.com/diatomic/diy

Build DIY

cd diy
mkdir build
cd build

rm CMakeCache.txt           # ignore error if file does not exist
cmake .. -Dpython=true
make -j

Install MFA

Build dependencies

  • C++11 or higher compiler
  • MPI
git clone https://github.com/tpeterka/mfa

Build MFA

cd mfa
mkdir build
cd build

rm CMakeCache.txt               # ignore error if file does not exist
cmake .. -Dmfa_python=true
make -j


export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/diy/build/lib    # change /path/to/diy to your actual path
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/mfa/build/python:$PYTHONPATH     # change /path/to/mfa/to your actual path

Encode an MFA model and save it to disk

python3 encode-csv.py -i <input csv file, required> -g <geom_degree, default 1> -v <vars_degree, default 3> -n <nctrl_pts, default

Load an MFA model from disk and evaluate a point

python3 evaluate-pt.py -i <input mfa file, default approx.mfa> -p <parameter where to evaluate [0.0 - 1.0], required>