Importing a MOAB decomposition into DIY
Installation is done through Spack. If you don't have Spack installed or if Spack is new to you, go here first.
git clone
cd /path/to/moab-diy
source ./ # requires being in the same directory to work properly
source /path/to/moab-diy/
cd build
rm CMakeCache.txt
cmake .. \
make -j install
There are three options for input data. You can generate a synthetic mesh, either tetrahedral or hexahedral, or read in an input file as follows.
3d tetrahedral synthetic mesh
cd build/src
mpiexec -n <procs> ./main -i tet -s <size per side, optional, 10 is default>
3d hexahedral synthetic mesh
cd build/src
mpiexec -n <procs> ./main -i hex -s <size per side, optional, 10 is default>
2d or 3d input file that has been pre-partitioned. Sample input files are located in the sample_data directory.
cd build/src
mpiexec -n <procs> ./main -i file -f filename