
Importing MOAB decomposition into DIY

Primary LanguageC++


Importing a MOAB decomposition into DIY

Instructions for Building and Running

Installation is done through Spack. If you don't have Spack installed or if Spack is new to you, go here first.

Setting up Spack environment

First time: create and load the Spack environment

git clone https://github.com/tpeterka/moab-diy
cd /path/to/moab-diy
source ./create-env.sh     # requires being in the same directory to work properly

Subsequent times: load the Spack environment

source /path/to/moab-diy/load-env.sh

Building moab-diy

cd build
rm CMakeCache.txt
cmake .. \
make -j install

Running moab-diy

There are three options for input data. You can generate a synthetic mesh, either tetrahedral or hexahedral, or read in an input file as follows.

3d tetrahedral synthetic mesh

cd build/src
mpiexec -n <procs> ./main -i tet -s <size per side, optional, 10 is default>

3d hexahedral synthetic mesh

cd build/src
mpiexec -n <procs> ./main -i hex -s <size per side, optional, 10 is default>

2d or 3d input file that has been pre-partitioned. Sample input files are located in the sample_data directory.

cd build/src
mpiexec -n <procs> ./main -i file -f filename