
project for program analysis candidates

Primary LanguageReason


The goal of this project is to write code to convert the definition of a programming language grammar (e.g., tests/arithmetic/grammar.json) into the definition of an Abstract Syntax tree (AST) for this grammar (e.g., tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic.re for the expected output on the previous grammar). This AST definition can be automatically derived from the grammar.

The grammar definition we are using (e.g., tests/arithmetic/grammar.json) does not use a traditional format (e.g., a BNF grammar using the Yacc syntax). Instead, it uses a particuliar format (see the Context section below). This grammar.json file is derived itself from another file (e.g., tests/arithmetic/grammar.js for the arithmetic grammar) which is easier to read (but harder to analyze). See http://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/creating-parsers#the-grammar-dsl if you need to understand the format of grammar.js (which itself will help to understand the format of grammar.json).

You can use any programming language to solve this problem, but we provide skeleton code only for ReasonML.

Main problem

To test your code, run:

./_build/default/bin/main_codegen.exe -codegen_types tests/arithmetic/grammar.json > tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic_output.re

and compare your result in tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic_output.re with the expeced output in tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic.re. Your result does not have to match exactly tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic.re, but it should compile, and it should be mostly equivalent to tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic.re.

Note that your code should be general enough that it can be applied to other grammar files, not just tests/arithmetic/grammar.json.

The code you have to implement is mostly in lib/codegen_types.re.


Because the format of the grammar in grammar.json allows nested alternatives, it can be difficult to generate directly from the grammar.json the ReasonML type definitions. You could find useful to define an intermediate ast_normalized_grammar.re that would be closer to what ReasonML can accept for type definitions.


As a bonus, you can generate the type definitions in a certain order, from the toplevel types (e.g., program) to its leaves (e.g., number) as done in tests/arithmetic/ast_arithmetic.re. You will need to perform a topological sort of the type dependencies to do so.


The tests/arithmetic/grammar.json file is part of the tree-sitter project https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter. tree-sitter is a parser generator (similar to Yacc), which takes as input a grammar.js file (e.g., tests/arithmetic/grammar.js). From this grammar.js file it can generate a JSON file defining the same grammar but that is easier to analyze (e.g., tests/arithmetic/grammar.json) and from this file it can generate a parser for this grammar in C.

Note that you do not need to understand or use tree-sitter for this project. We just use the same format for the grammar definition (grammar.json).

What we are looking for:

  • Comfort with the language of choice: e.g. JSON parsing and matching should be easily understood
  • Grasp of grammar, abstract datatypes, polymorphic types
  • Test driven development
  • Communication of complex graph algorithms like recursive top-down walk
  • Good solution involves use of intermediate normalized AST definition

Installation from source

To compile the code, you first need to install OCaml and its package manager OPAM. On macOS, it should simply consist in doing:

brew install opam
opam init
opam switch create 4.07.1
opam switch 4.07.1
eval $(opam env)

Once OPAM is installed, you need to install the OCaml frontend reason, and the build system dune, as well as the pfff library (just for its commons/ sub-library):

opam install reason
opam install dune
opam install pfff

Then you can compile the program with:

dune build


Then to test on a file, for example tests/arithmetic/grammar.json run:

./_build/default/bin/main_codegen.exe -parse_grammar tests/arithmetic/grammar.json

Development Environment

You can use Visual Studio Code (vscode) to edit the code. The reason-vscode Marketplace extension adds support for OCaml/Reason.

The OCaml and Reason IDE extension by David Morrison is another valid extension, but it seems not as actively maintained as reason-vscode.

The source contains also a .vscode/ directory at its root containing a task file to automatically build the code from vscode.

Note that dune and ocamlmerlin must be in your PATH for vscode to correctly build and provide cross-reference on the code. In case of problems, do:

cd /path/to/here
eval $(opam env)
dune        --version # just checking dune is in your PATH
ocamlmerlin -version  # just checking ocamlmerlin is in your PATH
code .

Debugging code

Set the OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable to b for backtrace. You will get better backtrace information when an exception is thrown.