
Mock library for Cloud Firestore

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Mock library for Cloud Firestore


Install the library by running this command:

npm install --save-dev mock-cloud-firestore



Import the mock-cloud-firestore.js file from the dist folder in your app


Import the library by using require('mock-cloud-firestore')



MockFirebase class is provided to replace your app's Firebase instance

const firebase = new MockFirebase(fixtureData);

Replacing the Firebase instance depends on how your app consumes it. As an example, you could do window.firebase = new MockFirebase(fixtureData) on a browser environment.

Fixture Data

Here's a sample fixture data

const fixtureData = {
  __collection__: {
    users: {
      __doc__: {
        user_a: {
          age: 15,
          username: 'user_a',

          __collection__: {
            friends: {
              __doc__: {
                user_b: {
                  reference: '__ref__:users/user_b'

        user_b: {
          age: 10,
          username: 'user_b',

          __collection__: {
            friends: {
              __doc__: {
                user_a: {
                  reference: '__ref__:users/user_a'

        user_c: {
          age: 20,
          username: 'user_c'

Here's whats going on with the example above

  • There will be a users collection
  • There will be user_a, user_b, and user_c documents under users collection
  • There will be a friends subcollection under user_a and user_b documents
  • __ref__: indicates that this is a Reference data type to a document
    • __ref__:users/user_a will be equivalent to firestore.collection('users').doc('user_a')


Not all APIs are supported. Here are some unsupported major ones

  • Transaction
  • onSnapshot() is supported but doesn't get realtime updates

You can look into the source code to see if an API you're using is supported. I've written it in a way that you could quickly scan the APIs.



  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd mock-cloud-firestore
  • npm install

Running Tests

  • npm test