
Script to create notion cover from an image

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Script to create a Notion cover from an image.


You need to have ImageMagick installed.

The image must be on your Desktop and will be saved on it.

  1. Execute the script file with Powershell
  2. Enter the image name: e.g. cover.png
  3. Enter the name for the converted image: e.g. cover-converted.png


The script works best with medium-sized images that don't have a wide variety of colors in the background. You can change the -scale property in the script to try different results.

Output size: 1500x300

Default Converted
image-default image-converted
image-default image-converted
image-default image-converted
image-default image-converted
Bad Examples
image-default image-converted
image-default image-converted