
A pipeline to geocode, structure and clean Brazil's electoral data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Geocoding Brazilian Elections

This project pre-process and geocode Brazilian electoral data. Each row of the final dataset will represent a location (i.e, polling place, city, state, etc), and each location will be desbribed by the electoral results they presented. Moreover, since no geocoding is perfect we provide manners to filter locations based on the level of precision needed.


  1. Create a .env file, insert an fill the following envirommental variables:

        ROOT_DATA= <path to save the data>
        API_KEY= <google geocoding api key>

    ⚠️ Even though you wont use google api the variable needs to be created, just fill with random characteres.

  2. Create a vitual enviroment and install all packages in requiments.txt.

        conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
  3. Install the project as package.

        pip install .


  1. Configure the parameters in the files:

    ├── data
        ├── parameters.json
        ├── switchers.json
  2. Run src/main.py

        python src/main.py

Parameters description

Description of the parameters needed to execute the code.


  • global: General parameters
    • region: The name of the region (Ex: Brazil)
    • org: The name of the federal agency
    • year: The election year
    • round: The election round
    • aggregation_level: Geographical level of data aggregation
    • geocoding_api: The name of the geocoding api used
  • locations: parameters for locations to be geocoded
    • data_name: The name of the data (Ex: locations)
    • url_data: The url to download the locations containg addresses
    • data_filename: The name of the donwloaded data
    • url_meshblock: The url to download the Brazilian cities meshblocks
    • meshblocks_filename: The name of the meshblock file downloaded
    • save_at: Number of geocoded address until save the progress
    • meshblock_crs: Meshblock coordinate system
    • meshblock_id: Meshblock id column
    • city_buffers: List of buffering to increase cities boundaries
  • results: parameters regarding electoral results
    • data_name The name of the data (Ex: results)
    • url_data The url to download the election results
    • candidacy_pos The candidacy position to be filtered
    • candidates The candidades ids to be filtered
    • levenshtein_threshild: The levenshtein similarity threshold to filther the locations
    • precision filter The precision to filter the dataset
    • city_limits_filter The city limits allowed consider right geocoding


  • locations: switchers regarding the locations pipeline
    • raw: switch to run the raw process (0 or 1)
    • interim: switch to run the interim process (0 or 1)
    • processed: switch to run the processed process (0 or 1)
  • results: switchers regarding the electoral results pipeline
    • raw: switch to run the raw process (0 or 1)
    • interim: switch to run the interim process (0 or 1)
    • processed: switch to run the processed process (0 or 1)

⚠️ The switchers turn on and off the processes of the pipeline, by default let them all turned on (filled with 1), so the entire pipeline can be executed.

Geocoding api supported

At the moment we only support:

  • Google api: parameter value = GMAP
  • Open Stree Maps: parameter value = OSM

We also provide a "geocoding" for units of the federation level of aggregation based on the IBGE meshblocks by considering their centroid. The parameter value for this options is IBGE

Final dataset sample

1120 8 1015 143 AC ACRELÂNDIA 924 683 241 115 156 513 7 7 22.8404099560761 75.1098096632504 1.02489019033675 1.02489019033675 73.9177489177489 26.0822510822511 -9.948481 -66.979777 Br 364 Km 114 S/N, Acrelândia - AC, 69945-000, Brasil GEOMETRIC_CENTER ESCOLA ALTINA MAGALHAES BR 364 - KM 114 S/N 69945000 1200013 CENTRO ZONA RURAL BR 364 - KM 114 S/N BR 364 - KM 114 S/N, ACRELÂNDIA, AC POINT (-66.979777 -9.948480999999999) in 0.727272727272727 True False
1120 8 1023 224 AC ACRELÂNDIA 1017 769 248 204 157 584 18 10 20.4161248374512 75.9427828348504 2.3407022106632 1.30039011703511 75.6145526057031 24.3854473942969 -10.0785588 -67.0559827 562, - Av. Paraná, 454, Acrelândia - AC, 69945-000, Brasil ROOFTOP ESCOLA DE 1 GRAU PROF PEDRO DE CASTRO MEIRELES AV PARANA COM RUA DOS PINHEIROS 69945000 1200013 CENTRO CENTRO AV PARANA COM RUA DOS PINHEIROS AV PARANA COM RUA DOS PINHEIROS, ACRELÂNDIA, AC POINT (-67.0559827 -10.0785588) in 0.457142857142857 False False
1120 8 1031 160 AC ACRELÂNDIA 550 416 134 58 84 323 4 5 20.1923076923077 77.6442307692308 0.961538461538462 1.20192307692308 75.6363636363636 24.3636363636364 -16.7219947 -49.2461329 Vila Redencao, Goiânia - GO, Brasil APPROXIMATE ESCOLA DE 1 GRAU MARIA DE JESUS RIBEIRO AC 475 VILA REDENCAO KM 15 RUA TEREZA DE JESUS PINTO N 298 69945000 1200013 CENTRO ZONA RURAL AC 475 VILA REDENCAO KM 15 RUA TEREZA DE JESUS PINTO N 298 AC 475 VILA REDENCAO KM 15 RUA TEREZA DE JESUS PINTO N 298, ACRELÂNDIA, AC POINT (-49.2461329 -16.7219947) out 0.403669724770642 True False

Project Organization

    ├── LICENSE
    ├── README.md          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
    ├── requirements.txt   <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g.
    │                         generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
    ├── setup.py           <- makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so src can be imported
    ├── src                <- Source code for use in this project.
    │   ├── __init__.py    <- Makes src a Python module
    │   ├── election.py    <- Election abstract class
    │   ├── pipeline.py    <- Pipeline class
    │   ├── main.py    <- Main function
    │   │
    │   ├── results           <- Scripts to process electoral results data
    │   │   └── raw.py
    │   │   └── interim.py
    │   │   └── preocessed.py
    │   │
    │   ├── locations           <- Scripts to process locations data
    │   │   └── raw.py
    │   │   └── interim.py
    │   │   └── preocessed.py

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience