
TYPO3 extension for building, validating and syntax checking Fluid and Extbase code

Primary LanguagePHP


Extbase/Fluid Dev Support Utilities

Build Status

Utilities to make your dev-life easier.


Execution is done via CommandControllers. Those are invoked by executing the TYPO3 cli-script:

php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh NAMESPACE COMMAND

Commands for Extension extbase

php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help
Extbase 6.1.0
usage: ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase <command identifier>

The following commands are currently available:

  help                                     Display help for a command

  builder:fluidsyntax                      Syntax check Fluid template
  builder:phpsyntax                        Syntax check PHP code
  builder:unitviewhelper                   Makes simple VH unit test class(es)
  builder:install                          Installs an extension by key
  builder:uninstall                        Uninstalls an extension by key
  builder:providerextension                Builds a ProviderExtension

See './cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help <command identifier>' for more information about a specific command.

Fluid syntax checker

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help builder:fluidsyntax

Syntax check Fluid template


  ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase builder:fluidsyntax [<options>]

  --extension          Optional extension key (if path is included, only files
                       in that path in this extension are checked)
  --path               file or folder path (if extensionKey is included, path
                       is relative to this extension)
  --extensions         If provided, this CSV list of file extensions are
                       considered Fluid templates
  --verbose            If TRUE, outputs more information about each file check
                       - default is to only output errors

  Syntax check Fluid template
  Checks one template file, all templates in
  an extension or a sub-path (which can be used

PHP Syntax checker

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help builder:phpsyntax  

Syntax check PHP code


  ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase builder:phpsyntax [<options>]

  --extension          Optional extension key (if path is included, only files
                       in that path in this extension are checked)
  --path               file or folder path (if extensionKey is included, path
                       is relative to this extension)
  --verbose            If TRUE, outputs more information about each file check
                       - default is to only output errors

  Syntax check PHP code
  Checks PHP source files in $path, if extension
  key is also given, only files in that path relative

ViewHelper Unit Test Generator

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help builder:unitviewhelper

Makes simple VH unit test class(es)


  ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase builder:unitviewhelper [<options>]

  --extension          The extension key, if class is not used
  --class              The class name, if extension key is not used
  --author             The author to be set in the class doc comment
  --overwrite          If TRUE, allows existing files to be overridden - USE
  --dry                If TRUE, performs a dry run and reports files that would
  --verbose            If TRUE, outputs more information about actions taken

  Makes simple VH unit test class(es)
  Saves a file only if it does not already exist. Which means
  if you have to rebuild your files, remove the old ones first.
  If an extension key is provided but no class name, every
  ViewHelper in the provided extension is considered.
  The default location of generated test case classes is:
  Where <ext> is the extension key detected from the class name
  and <class> is the last part of the ViewHelper class filename

Install Extension via CLI

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help builder:install       

Installs an extension by key


  ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase builder:install <extension key>


  Installs an extension by key
  The extension files must be present in one of the

UnInstall Extension via CLI

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help builder:uninstall

Uninstalls an extension by key


  ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase builder:uninstall <extension key>


  Uninstalls an extension by key
  The extension files must be present in one of the

Generate a FluidTYPO3 provider extension

This may be the most important command available. It allows you to generate a stub extension which is fully capable of being used as provider for fluidpages, fluidcontent and fluidbackend extensions.

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help builder:providerextension 

Builds a ProviderExtension


  ./cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase builder:providerextension [<options>] <extension key> <author>

  --extension-key      The extension key which should be generated. Must not
  --author             The author of the extension, in the format "Name
                       Lastname <name@example.com>" with optional company name,
                       in which case form is "Name Lastname <name@example.com>,
                       Company Name"

  --title              The title of the resulting extension, by default
                       "Provider extension for $enabledFeaturesList"
  --description        The description of the resulting extension, by default
                       "Provider extension for $enabledFeaturesList"
  --use-vhs            If TRUE, adds the VHS extension as dependency -
                       recommended, on by default
  --pages              If TRUE, generates basic files for implementing Fluid
                       Page templates
  --content            IF TRUE, generates basic files for implementing Fluid
                       Content templates
  --backend            If TRUE, generates basic files for implementing Fluid
                       Backend modules
  --controllers        If TRUE, generates controllers for each enabled feature.
                       Enabling $backend will always generate a controller
                       regardless of this toggle.
  --minimum-version    The minimum required core version for this extension,
                       defaults to latest LTS (currently 4.5)
  --dry                If TRUE, performs a dry run: does not write any files
                       but reports which files would have been written
  --verbose            If FALSE, suppresses a lot of the otherwise output
                       messages (to STDOUT)
  --git                If TRUE, initialises the newly created extension
                       directory as a Git repository and commits all files. You
                       can then "git add remote origin <URL>" and "git push
                       origin master -u" to push the initial state
  --travis             If TRUE, generates a Travis-CI build script which uses
                       Fluid Powered TYPO3 coding standards analysis and code
                       inspections to automate testing on Travis-CI

  Builds a ProviderExtension
  The resulting extension will contain source code
  and configuration options needed by the various
  toggles. Each of these toggles enable/disable
  generation of source code and configuration for